I'm actually having trouble finding the original source from WHO (as in site:who.int or just keywords on google) or on this forum stating "the WHO considers anything under 1500 calories per day as starvation".
I'm looking for studies or other types of information that have measured the nutrient, mainly sodium and other electrolyte content of fruits and am interested in peels.
Google scholar isn't super yielding searching for electrolyte forms (bonds) in ie
I'm drugging out on a tomato + orange juice lately with some added lemon and hot chili.
Adding lemon juice to it makes me unable to taste most of the sugar in the orange juice, also this happens to apples when doing lemon at the same time.
I've been trying to search for this since it's got to have been asked before but couldn't find it.
So after having a grapefruit or a kiwi green smoothie or sea buckthorn juice can you go for a big banana smoothie or if you want to have an acidic brunc