Vibrance teaches and inspires health enthusiasts in how to succeed at eating our natural diet of vibrantly alive raw foods, how to self-heal using our God-given powers within, and how to build everlasting vibrant health the natural way via the principles of the world’s most successful health system: Natural Hygiene. When you align with the natural laws of life, incredible health transformation is the happy result! These teachings have uplifted and saved millions of lives!
Vibrance teaches how to:
- Eat a natural diet of alive raw fruits and vegetables
- Overcome illness the natural way and realize complete rejuvenation
- Avoid pain and suffering, colds and disease and medical bills
- Become your own self-health care guide
- Create glowing health and superb fitness
- Feel youthful and assure extraordinary longevity
- Design a most healthful lifestyle, so that you can experience the joyous living you have always longed for, but thought was only possible in your dreams.
Vibrance regular features:
- Nutrition Education
- Dietary Transition Help
- Raw Food Recipes
- Healthful Eating Guidelines
- Self-healing Guidelines
- Healthful Eating Guidelines
- Natural Parenting Education
- Physical and Mental Fitness
- Education
- Healing Testimonials
- Interviews
- Raw Food News and Events
- Meditation and Spirituality
- Ecological Health
- Health Education
- Health Contacts
- Book, CD & Restaurant Reviews
- Organic Gardening & Orcharding
- Raw Food Recipes
- Crossword Puzzles
- Cartoons
- Food Safety News
- Yoga
- and much, much more!
what will the merger entail for both 30b and Vibrance? What great changes can we expect in both, or in the new unified whole?
We are just feeling our way around at the moment as far as what the merger will entail but I'm sure it will be awesome! When we get more info Windy we will let you know :-)) X
How can I order a hard copy of this magazine?
Really look forward to this.