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  • Hi,

    I wanted to let you know we will have a raw fruit festival in Spain next September

    Maybe you'd like it.


  • mmm...gotta get me some-a dat red durian flesh!
  • Hi, what is the fruit in your profile pic? Sooo curious to know, thx : )
  • <3 Hello~ Great picture there by the sand.. oh yes I love muliberries!
  • what?
  • Oh I simply love your avatar. The little hammy is so cute!!!!
  • Cold there no doubt SR! You get that damp cold, I've often thought about moving to BC, but I don't know if I could deal with that all winter. And it was actually sunny all day here!

    Been on 811 for 8.5 months, raw for 9. I hear you, I was quite a sick dude before 811 also. :b

    You still on gitmr? I don't have an account there cos they wouldn't approve my profile! I guess they knew I was all about the sweet fruit, I certainly didn't pretend otherwise. :)
  • Hi and thanks for the friend request Simplyroar! I read your response to Freelea's post, great you've been going strong on 811 for the past year. Yet another cannuck, yay! How's the weather in your part of the country?
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