Stephane posted a discussion
Jun 22, 2016
Stephane posted a discussion
May 27, 2016

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  • Hello Stephane! Thank you for your invitation to the Andalucia fruit festival, I really appreciatte it! But unfortunately I will be working, so it is impossible for me to go , but i'm sure that you will have fun :)

  • Thank you for the invitation. I am interested. Let me know if the discounted price of 480Euro apply to non-members as well and also what is the nearest airport to the festival. I need to check how I can get there.

  • I've been looking at it but don't think I can make it this year:( I'm planning on going to Thailand next year though!

  • Would love to come but I'm leaving Spain in July. :-)
  • Sounds great, Stephane, but I don't really have any money. But I hope you have loads of fun :)

  • Thank you for the invitation! I would love to go, but am unable to do so because of work. Make sure you schedule it during summer next time and I will be able to be there! :)

  • The raw fruit festival in Spain seems AMAZING! And Spain is my favorite country in the whole wide world, so I'd be lovely to go. However, college starts at the end of august and on top of that, I don't really have the money... But it's giving me the idea of saving up money for (hopefully) next year! ;)

  • Thank U for invitation... :D  But I need work :( I have not eaven one free day :/

  • Thank you so much for your kind inviation!

    Too bad, only one week after the festival we'll be on vacation in Spain, yet not in Andalucia :-(

    When will be the earliest date you'll have the date for next year fixed? I always wanted to visit Andalucia and it would be perfect to combine that with visiting the fruit festival, then.

    Muchas gracias y 1000 saludos a todos participantes!

  • Thanks. 

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