Main Chat (19348)

Facial brushing damage?


does anyone know if facial brushing can damage skin and whether this damage can be reversed with High carb low fat raw vegan diet?

My skin was lovely and since ive dry brushed my face my face now has broken capillaries?

Has anyone had good results dr

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How long on the lifesyle?

I am curious how many people have been 100% on plant based dier for more than 2 .years.

My experience is the successful people take at least 2-3 years to make the transition, those that do it overnight are not still even trying in 2 years.  

Those that

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How is this site doing?

I have been popping in to see whats up several times a year for a lot of years, and a few years ago, discussions were being replaced with new ones within hours, often the topics were “pages away” by the next day, and now discussions started a month o

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Anyone living in Ecuador?

My partner and I are greatly considering moving to cuenca or outside of Quito next spring. Any advice you guys might have on where to move and where it is safe would be greatly appreciated.

I don't want  to be in the middle of the city. I don't mind e

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Big Fat Super Athletes


Humans mistakenly think lean and mean is the way of great athletes. But the reality of animals living naturally in the wilds is just the opposite - big and fat is how super feats of athleticism are preformed, and while on a tota

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Tons of dates!

Hi there! Haven’t posted in years!

i was sure where to post this, or if something like this is even allowed, but I have 22 lbs of dates that I received this week from the Date People from Palm Springs, CA. They are a mixed seconds variety (medjools, D

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