Main Chat (19348)

Ok. It's time.

I want to say first that I envy and admire all of you who live this lifestyle. I keep coming back to the idea of this lifestyle because deep down I know that it is THE WAY. I for some reason tell myself that it cannot be done. I want so badly to wake

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Blending Greens

I feel like I do not digest the greens as well when I blend them into a green soup as opposed to when I chew and eat them. However i find this is the only way I can manage to eat a lb. of greens per day is blending them.Without greens I feel spacy an

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Dave Klein's Program/Books

I have IBS and severe bloating. Has anyone here tried Dave Klein's program?I hear he recommends to steam the veggies during transition. I have a hard time digesting the cellulose in even celery and lettuce and feel like the rough fibers are hard on m

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Athletes Foot

I have a theory. I believe that athletes foot is the result of your body releasing toxins through your feet. Mine seems to be going in and out now almost as if it is in relation to my diet; which goes from fruitarian days to an occasional plate of de

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Digestive disorders

I have some questions regarding a low fat raw vegan diet, gastric fire and healing from digestive disorders:1. How long did it take before your "digestive fire" increased on a low fat raw vegan diet?2. I would like to hear people's experiences with h

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Gratitude and Poem ;)

Can I just say that I LOVE THIS FORUM and everyone on it!Thank you for being so supportive and helpful! Especially Free and DR. I'm in love with your enthusiasm, encouragement and light! I am so inspired to share the message of the low fat, high vibe

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