Awesome vegan video game!
You gotta try this its so awesome it is not even funny. I'm laughing so hard right now. :)
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You gotta try this its so awesome it is not even funny. I'm laughing so hard right now. :)
Read more…I've been spending my weekend arguing with paleos. You would think this group would just give it up already. There new technique is that veganism is not sustainable. Second, that banning meat would only create a black market. Here's there links. Any
Read more…Some of the most stubborn people argue that humans are intelligent, thus are the apex predator, therefore humans are superior to non-human animals, which means that humans can do whatever they want to these inferior beings.
I can argue the po
Read more…I've seen two destructive groups of people in both real life and online. The first, is the classic climate change deniers. The second, completely accepts global climate change to the point of inaction. I'm not sure which is worse.
The latter, th
Read more…In order to win the war we must understand our enemies point of view. Even if their opinion seems poorly constructed and we strongly disagree. I couldn't find any comments section so I'm posting here on 30 bananas a day instead.
Notice how
Read more…Hey, somebody I know is Wicca but continues to eat copious amounts of meat. I know almost nothing about the Wicca religion. Can somebody give me some pointers? I was thinking about basing my argument on this concept on the w
Read more…What About Backyard Animal Farming? Is it Ethical? Moral?
So I was scrolling through my tumblr the other day, when suddenly on my dashboard I see "FDA Finally Admits Chicken Meat Contains Cancer"
I quickly ran over to Google to look up what this was all about! I found many sources saying that this isn't com
Read more…What about acquiring used leather products free of charge?
Read more…Hey guys! I've been inspired by Freelee and Harley a lot lately to get onto youtube and make a difference for the animals, so I did! I made a YouTube channel, put out three videos, and one is about why Jerome Jarre, a huge vine star with over 8M foll
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You can purchase these shirts here:
The last thread was getting a little tired. Lots of links to victories where people couldn't sign anymore. I decided it was best to start this second thread. I plan to add others later.
Save macaque monkeys. [1]
Balloon fishing pollutes oceans. [2]
Read more…Check out our debut video on YouTube, the #TrollFoodsChallenge!
Please like, comment, and subscribe as well. You can get your #TrollFoodsChallenge video featured on the SpEqProj channel by making your own #TrollFoodsChallenge video and using wetransfe
Read more…The Journey is now available to purchase as a free eBook from various online bookstores. All we ask is you download the book and write a review. That is it!
Read more…I'm not sure how much it will help. Because we have cotton, but people still consume wool,, leather, etc.
It would be fucking awesome if it took over the animal agriculture industry though.
Read more…I want to invite you to join me in celebrating Mango Wodzak's new book The Eden Fruitarian Guidebook with one foreword written by me, yours truly Michael Lanfield. His other book Destination Eden, 2nd edition is also available from Vegan Publishers.
Read more…This is starting to irk me. It was my day off, and an employee gave away a dozen or so Wendy's cheeseburgers at my workplace. I don't like it. Everyone knows that healthy fast food options are limited. Cheeseburgers are one of the most unheal
Read more…The Lost Love - By Michael Lanfield, the sequel to The Interconnectedness of LifeTo be released spring/summer 2016
ABOUT THE LOST LOVEIn a world riffled with so much violence, is it possible to live in peace with one