Best natural sunscreen?

Just wondering what you think is the best natural vegan sunscreen? I haven't worn sunscreen in years because I don't think its necessary but now that I have a 2 year old son who plays outside alot in the summer I am wanting something to use once in a while, preferably something I can put on my face that isn't too oily. Any suggestions? Thanks!

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  • Harley uses a special light white shirt with sleeves to protect him on the bike. Maybe that will be the best alternative.
  • :D


  • Thanks everyone. Living in Canada we get like 3-4 months of the year of nice weather so even though it's suggested to stay out of the sun in hot parts of the day it just doesn't happen. We are like little bugs flocking to the light as much as we can because we know winter is coming again HAHA!

    Diet has helped my skin a ton but I do still burn if I'm out for extended periods of time. Thanks for the suggestions I appreciate it a ton :). I have been using coconut oil and I love it. I will prob try and find a vegan sunscreen on iherb or something for my 2 year old but also just cover his arms and head when he is out during the hottest times of the day.

  • if you need sun protection, use organic coconut oil :)

  • A diet of fresh fruits n veggies provides some good protection all on its own, by supplying your bod with what it needs to combat free radicals and develop healthier skin overall.  

    But common sense is your best ally.  Avoid the hottest parts of the day, usually between 10-2, or later depending on where you live.

    Wear long sleeve clothing and a big hat if necessary.  Play under a big sun shade.  Never get so much exposure that you would burn regardless of what you apply.

    And actually applying a product to your skin would be a last resort if you and/or son absolutely have to be out in the rays.  You want your skin to breathe, and any such product will only occlude your pores.  There are supposedly "healthier" sunscreens out there on the market, but I don't know any specific brands.  

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