Our community would be delighted to know you better. Please tell us more about yourself and what brought you to the Frugivore Diet. Detailed responses will only be accepted (feel free to reapply with more detail if at first not approved as a member).
I saw your instagram account and was intrigued at the life style. I watched a few of your youtube videos and you seem happy, healthy & fit. I have eczema and caffeine addiction that I want desperately to break free of. I am a good weight but I have been yo-yo dieting and up and down in my weight for years. I just want to eat in a way that makes me feel good physically & emotionally. I suffer with SAD because I live in Canada and we don't get alot of sun here. I love walking, hiking & cycling as well as weight lifting. I am married and have a 2 year boy. I am still nursing him so I was interested in how this lifestyle would work out with a nursing momma, and has anyone followed this way of living while being pregnant or nursing. :)
What is your gender? PLEASE NOTE: To enhance the community experience, profile pics of yourself are *REQUIRED* to gain membership. Membership will be declined otherwise.
female, babe
Please tell us about your dietary inclinations:
I'm raw till 4
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yes married
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The Frugivore started this site to bring together frugivores across the Globe! Let us know what high fruit assistance do you need?
Why are my videos not being accepted on this forum because I talk about cooked food? In your videos you promote raw till 4 but I mentioned it in one of my videos and it got rejected.
The Frugivore Diet is a fruit-based vegan internet community which promotes a high carb fruit based vegan lifestyle free of any animal products. Our forum does not tolerate encouragement of anything contrary to this. Nor do we allow endorsement of non-vegan items or practises which involve the imprisonment, exploitation, abuse or murder of sentient beings. We also require our members to post with proper netiquette. Therefore, please indicate your intention:
I will comply because I like totally agree with all this
Also, once you reach sufficiency, and you take it down to 12.5mgs, you should reduce or halt the other supplements, being sure to eat a nutrient rich diet...
Ok, good, but Lugol's doesn't taste that bad, lol. Forgot to say you should start slowly, working your way up to 50mgs over time. The detox reactions vary from person to person and can be intense in some. Start with, say, 10mgs, then bump it up by 5 or so each day. If you get detox symptoms you can lower the dose to a tolerable level for a while, edging up again as you're able...
PS, I had to break up the text, because the comment box won't support that much at a time.
3,000 md/day) has been the most common cause of poor response to iodine supplementation, so it's important not to go over 1200 mg total calcium from diet and supplements.
Here is an article on how selenium works in this process:
Here's the protocol in full:
The general rule is, it takes an iodine deficient, non-sick person 6 months to a year at 50 mg a day of Lugol's solution to reach sufficiency. (Those with cancer or Thyroid conditions require more - you'd have to consult Brownstein or one of the other iodine doctors on that.) After sufficiency has been achieved (six months to a year), a dose of 12.5 mg daily is required to maintain sufficiency. Then the so called co-factors must be considered. Selenium, magnesium, B2, calcium. When taking a large dose of iodine, you have to offset it with doses of certain other minerals to prevent imbalances. For instance, magnesium and calcium should be at a ratio of 1 to 1. Magnesium is extremely important in iodine therapy because when the bromide and floride leave the system, these toxins cause oxidative stress and damage to the thyroid receptors, which can prevent uptake of further iodine. Vitamin C and magnesium have been clinically proven to repare that damage, allowing iodine to enter the cells throughout the detox period.
Hi Sunluvin,
Glad you appreciated the Brownstein. Yes, I take iodine and it has had a potentially life saving effect. You could say I've benefited, lol, yes. Will elaborate later. A disclaimer of sorts: am skeptical about Brownstein's salt claims. Just because unrefined salt contains lots of minerals and alkalizes doesn't mean it's a desirable means of alkalizing or obtaining mineral sufficiency. At least beyond the necessary sodium for health. That said, the general insight into iodine (with co-factors) and the many implications for health he provides, are undeniable. Can pass along some important dosing info, if you like.
Hey where is Cananda do you live? i'm in TO if you ever wanna connect :)
best advice i can give is drink tons of water i know u heard this before but caffeine really really dehydrates you.. and lessens ur ability to absorb water keep making banana shakes sweet + u will be tempted to mak them thick but dont, add tons of water.. the sugar in the bananas realy helps your body absorb all the water... keeping fully hydrated + carbed is the best thing to turn off your cravings and make your body know it has wht it needs.. epsom salt bath.. banana + date shake.. get some sun (nudy baking as freelee would say LOL) even if u have to be like a cat and sprawl out in front of a winter in the only sunlit hours the sun shines in the window... get some sun ;) wake up and drink 1 litre of water when your in the bath.. drink water before every meal.. force yourself to drink ur body needs the waterrrrr (i know this from caffeine addiction experience!!)