Hey everyone, I've been doing Raw Till 4 for around 8 months, feeling good and seen empirical improvements in health (cholesterol is perfect after having been really high, skin cleared, etc.).
I'm very happy with the lifestyle, it just makes sense. I have been having some trouble improving my athletic performance however. Some metrics:
I'm 188.5 cm tall, 96 kg, 21 years old, male.
I'm guessing my problem is not getting in enough food (not that I've been under eating all the time, but there are days I screw it up).
Any help from people with the experience is greatly appreciated!
Have a carby day : ]
I apologize, I did not know size mattered to you. My system says you weigh 211 pounds and are 6 feet 1 inch tall, converted 188.5cm tall and 96 kg. That response is good for anyone: I have a degree in psychology and I ran track and field athletically, as well as cross country athletically.
You might just be thirsty so increase your water. I have ran 50-100 miles a week for seven months while being a raw vegan. I just increased my water. I drank at least 130 oz. of water a day and that kept me full and I still do drink lots of water, but currently I am a dancer and walker. With cardio athletics the body loses water so the body needs to restore with water and electrolytes.
I am five foot and three inches tall and I am very underweight and healthy. I have been a raw food vegan about five years now.
So, just increase water.
ehh, but I drink coffee and tea too. Personally, I think coffee is good and fine because it is made by the earth, it is a bean that is grinded then pressed or filtered. Tea is herbal.
I very very very rarely eat carbs I think eating bananas are better. Perhaps, replace carbs with bananas.
Again, just increase water and perhaps increase the amount of bananas. Bananas have potassium and potassium is in electrolytes, furthermore I think bananas(70-100 calories each) are kind of high in calories compared to tomatoes(10-30 calories each).
In conclusion, increase water drinking and eat bananas instead of carbs.
I mean... how many cals are you eating now? How do you feel?
I'm about 20kg heavier than you, and I do a ton of cycling just about every day and I consume about 3 to 4K calories a day on the HCLF plan... I am 5 foot 11 inches tall...
what's your question though? lol