Breakfast: 4 Bananas (400ish calories)+10 dates (what I presume are Medjool dates: 600 calories)
Lunch: A huge salad (at least 250 calories)+2 cups of rice (450 calories)+mashed eggplant curry (120 calories) with less than a quarter cup of kidney beans (70 calories)
Dinner: 3 baked potatoes (483 calories)
TOTAL: 2373
I had no choice but to eat cooked for lunch due to the unavailability of fresh/ripe fruit. Is this bad? I made sure to have only vegan throughout the day but does the fact that I had cooked food before dinner hamper my journey? Is my caloric count too low?
Hi Rey,
This is no problem at all!! It is definitely best to get a majority of your calories from fresh, ripe fruit, but there should be an asterisk "when possible" alongside this statement. It looks to me like you had a very healthy day of low fat vegan eating. The beans wouldn't do me any favors personally, but hey, if you like them and they don't bother you, go for it. I too have some days where I'm having rice n veg or potatoes for lunch. And I still feel great and have excellent health and energy.
As far as calories go, you're ok, provided that you aren't doing hard exercise. If you are doing regular hard exercise, I would up the calories to meet 2,500 - 3,000 per day. Raw till 4 is a great guideline, but in no way is it as strict as you are worried about. You are not going to ruin your health or fitness if you need to supplement you calories with some cooked starches before 4 pm. You actually did something here that is a sign of very healthy behavior, and that is that you did not allow yourself to go hungry just to fit into some sort of pre conceived standard. This is something that concerns me very much when I observe people who are trying to commit to the 100% raw food lifestyle. I congratulate you for answering your hunger and eating vegan carbs when needed. Many people suffer so much physical, mental, and emotional discomfort because they are so hell bent on adhering to a dietary standard, even if it means going hungry and skipping meals, or eating low calorie, low quality fruit and still being hungry and under-fed. Just keep your cooked meals simple and easy to digest: rice and corn/veg , sweet potatoes, potatoes. These would be the best in my opinion.
I've been eating this way for 3 years and was raw for 3 years before that. Trust me, you're on your way to great health as long as you follow a high-carb low-fat whole foods vegan diet with as much calories from fruit as possible. No worries, you're doing great!
Best Wishes,
Dear Chris,
Your reply made me smile! Thank you for being supportive and motivating in your answer!
Dear Holly,
Thank you for the reassurance!
With love,