
Yup, it's me and my hormone issues again!

I just went to see my doctor and he said that during one of my examinations from last month, they found some allergic reaction in my esophagus. He said the ONLY way to treat it, is to take cortisone. I need to use a spray, spray it in my mouth and then slowly swallow it, along with some saliva. He said if I don't take the medicine, my throat will be fully closed and I will be unable to breathe. I don't feel good doing this... I already have edema from hormone imbalances, and I have a feeling this will only make it worse. And it can't be healthy, either, right? He said to stop eating fruit for now, that it will only make it worse (he knows that I am HCRV). He also said some other bull**** like "Humans are no longer frugivores, we have evolved from that, our stomachs are way different now.

So what should I do? Follow my instict and let it heal naturally? Or listen to my doctor?

I have been HCRV for 14 months now, have never been happier. The only thing that is stopping me from being 100% healthy are my hormones. I haven't had my period in years :( I hope HCRV will heal that too. I am a patient girl :)

Thanks for any feedback!!

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  • Thank you so much everyone for your help!!! :) Love you all <3

    • You are most certainly welcome.  Let us know how you do.  I wish you well and I want you to be healthy and successfully treat this naturally.  You can do it better then medication and doctors.  Be safe and careful and if an emergency arises go to the hospital and do what you have to do.  But taking your health into your own hands is good.  Be well.

  • I worry about taking Cortisone/steriods. My mother in law was asthmatic so they told her to take these. Years later and her spinal bones are all weak and crumbly from it, so of course she has mega problems from it now. Doctors never 'heal' a problem, just drugs and surgery to try squash an unwanted symptom and give you a whole load more trouble with it.

    • Thanks for the advice, I won't take the cortisone, I will just mono-meal bananas for a while now, and we'll see from there :)

  • Doesn't Doug Graham say to find just one food that you digest well and to mono-eat that for an extended period of time?  I think this could be a wise approach.  It would be like a fast but you can function since you'll be getting calories. 

         Did you know you were having allergic symptoms?  

    • @ Dovima: As of today, I am on banana island. That should help my body with restoring my health...
      I was having some symptoms, but didn't think I was having an allergy! Really strange.

      @ Fruity Fitness: Oh no, I am not going back to the first doctor. He just doesn't take me seriously. When I come in, regardless of what I say, he always blames fruit and running. Last time he even said that bananas in combination with running could cause an allergy. Ehm, right.
      I am glad you are feeling better now :)

  • So, isn't the logical thing to do is find out what's causing the allergic reaction?

    • I totally agree with this. The very best way to stop an allergic reaction is to remove the a allergen that's causing it.

      There are blood test that look for anti-bodies that show an allergic reaction to a certain substance.  This test should not be all that expensive, but even if it is, it's money well spent.

      For you know it could be something you eat everyday and have no idea that it's causing this.

      Cortisone may stop the immune reaction, but if you don't know what the allergen is, what good is it?

      Allergic reactions can be very, very serious, even fatal. It's not something to take lightly.


    • I asked him to test me, he said it's no use. Just very expensive and the results of that test aren't even 100% certain. I am really thinking about a change of doctor!

      • In your situation, I would do a sensitivity test (not sure if it's the same as an allergy test) but a doctor recommended it to me a while back and I thought about doing it. To me it would be worth spending that money (I was told $800, not sure how much it would be for you). Otherwise it could take forever to figure out what's causing your reaction.

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