Reading Bliss' 'tired' thread about not enough ripe fruit, it occurred to me, that perhaps we could be eating some of these unripe fruits with a bit of help.Let me explain. An apple, that was picked a bit too early, so it does not get eaten by the birds, or worms, or it's skin all wrinkled, perhaps does not taste super sweet, but could be helped out by cutting it, shredding into a bowl and pouring a nice home made date paste over it.Or a pineapple that is a bit too sour could be helped the same way.After all, we are after the sugar, aren't we? And eating dates day after day can be boring, but not if we combine it with sub optimal fruits. Not that that is ideal, but just for those times when you ended up with a dud apple, that obviously will not ripen, and even oranges could be eaten this way.Am I totally in the looooonie bin, or anyone else had some similar ideas?Also fruits like starfruit or dragonfruit is delicious with this date paste (dates and water).My other thought was, that runner guy, who runs in his flip flops across Florida, and carries a bag of white sugar with him for fuel...he is still running, not sitting and moaning in pain...sssoooooo, my take on this, is that the minerals are still in the fruit, but not enough conversion to sugar, but that does not mean it is harmful to us, is it? (not regarding teeth, which can be protected by immediate water rinses and flossing)Anyone with a bit more in depth knowledge about it?
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One more thing: then grapefruit is not really a ripe fruit? Or I just never tasted a really sweet one. It always has that strong sour taste, with some sweetness hidden in there.
Nevertheless, it's not all bad: I'm munching on dragon fruit, which is kind of bland, not sour, not sweet, but juicy.
...and I poured some date sauce over it, which makes it much more enjoyable to eat. I'll be rinsing my mouth after the dates.
Unripe fruits can actually be very damaging to the body. A recent thread was created by someone who really messed up their teeth eating unripe fruits. In addition, there are toxins and anti-nutrients in fruit when they are not fully ripe. Sorry to rain on your idea, but it's not very healthy.
Nevertheless, it's not all bad: I'm munching on dragon fruit, which is kind of bland, not sour, not sweet, but juicy.
...and I poured some date sauce over it, which makes it much more enjoyable to eat. I'll be rinsing my mouth after the dates.
I was thinking about it for quite a while. I did not think of the harsh acid quality being damaging to the body, but I can see how it is, indeed.
Thanks for the feedback.