Hi all,
I have been reading these forums for awhile now and decided it was time for me to join! =D
I apologize for my first post being a dilemma, but I had a question about the dentist and remineralizing your teeth. I have an appointment today to get a cleaning and I believe a small soft weak spot in 2 teeth taken care of, if anything its a tiny cavity (I cant see it when I look in the mirror) As you probably have already guessed I would like to try to heal the teeth and not have to get my teeth drilled. I think I will go into get a cleaning though regardless I well just refuse the fluoride. Any advice? I have only been 811 for 7 days now but already I feel like my teeth are healthier I think.
How often should I brush my teeth? I have been doing it when I wake up and when I go to bed, rinsing my mouth out in between. I have been using a tooth powder from Uncle Harry's It's calcium carbonate based. I have been flossing occasionally I should probably a bit more. Also I am going to invest in a waterpik.
So I just got back from the dentist. First thing she said when I opened my mouth was "Nice teeth" =D Got my cleaning done, instead of flouride they said they had a pumice stone powder they can use also so I let her use that. My teeth definitely feel alot cleaner! =D I asked about my two cavaties in my teeth, she said they both have a small spot of decay inside the tooth, one is somewhat close the the nerve. I am going to stick to my guns and keep my faith and think positive thoughts because I think I can heal these teeth! =D
Dr. D says to brush once daily and floss twice daily, he only uses water.
It is possible to remineralize your teeth. There is some evidence that toothsoap is helpful in that regard but it's not overwhelming.
I use an electric toothbrush, my dentist recommends it and it gives a superior cleaning you can feel.
Hope this help. :)
Rest assured, you can heal your teeth with 811.
9 months ago when I started 811 I had 10 teeth with severe gum recession (of a 60 yr old) courtesy of two years eating high fat raw. All of the nuts I was eating caused an acidic reaction in my mouth and caused exposed roots on these 10 teeth. I was told by a peridontist that I needed gum grafting or my teeth would rot. He said that gum tissue cannot regenerate. Within the first two weeks of lfrv I saw the most profound change in my teeth. Two teeth that had gum recession healed completely. I was amazed! Now, after 9 months, I am left with the root still exposed on 4 teeth, and partially on one other. The gum tissue on 5 of my teeth has entirely regenerated and is slowly doing the same on the remaining recession.
Be patient and this lifestyle will heal your body :)
So what did your dentist say? :) OH I see you copied this testimony from someone else, do you know who?
Awesome! I am so glad to hear things are going so well for you Tarah =D Thank you for the inspiring reply! I think I am going to go get some celery to munch on later too =D