Tarah @ 40 Below Fruity posted a discussion in 811 Ireland
Apr 20, 2014

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  • I've been told to contact you because of my current issue with constipation. I read the discussion you posted about it and I'm experiencing the same thing. If you have any advice I'd really appreciate it. At this point my life depends on it.
  • Hey tarah!  Thanks for being a great inspiration to continue on this lifestyle.  My skin is very terrible, even more after starting this lifestyle.  I know its detox, just gotta keep pushing through I guess.   My question is, is it alright to eat 1/2 an avocado everyday as long as its in the 80/10/10 ratio or will it worsen my skin even farther?  I cut out nuts and seeds already but would like to include some overt fats.  Thanks!

  • awesome! thanks for the tips :) i usually have to work saturday mornings and i'm so sad when i have to miss the farmer's market. and then i tend to forget about the wednesday one lol. i work at costco so i've been buying a lot of stuff there.

  • Hi Tarah, I saw in one of your old forum posts that you got rid of your cell phone. How was your transition to not having a cell phone anymore? Was it hard at first? And how did you go about informing everyone who was used to contacting you via your cell phone? I would appreciate your help. Thank you :-)

  • You might find this article interesting:


  • Not only are you adorable, you area also inspiring.

  • You have inspired me so much, New England is super cold & snowy... this does not stop me now from my fruity life. 


  • Ay, yi, yi, Shakira!

    You've got me dancing here :)

  • I have made it my goal to get out there for September! could you possibly put me into contact with anyone else going out there for September? (if you know anyone)

    P.s Love your vids! :-)

  • thank you!!! :) I will deffo get out there this year, maybe april? I will keep ya updated!! cant let our presious sea angels get hurt :(

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