No matter what I do I often feel weak, dizzy, tired, mental fog, slight headache, blurry vision etc after eating fruit, I thought maybe my body just needed a good fast to detox and rebalance, but after 3x week fast and then trying bananas again, I get all the same symptoms, they're most severe from bananas and dates. And it's not because I'm not drinking enough water or getting enough calories, or not eating enough greens etc. I simply can't handle all this sugar, I pretty sure I'm fructose intolerant.
Now I've tried many different diets, and I do love living foods esp. greens, but fruits I feel very unbalanced, ill, and ungrounded eating them even in small quantities. I know it's not because I'm not eating enough calories, as I felt fine when I was fasting actually I feel awesome if I don't eat any carbs, my thinking is clear, I have more energy then usual I feel strong.
At first I thought it was because I wasn't getting enough greens in my diet, but after 3x weeks of green and water fasting, then having 1x single banana and feeling all the above mentioned symptoms coming back, the bananas, melons, dates etc all make me feel feeble and ill.
I noticed also when I was training hard for cycling 2-4hrs a day and competing, that I did best by eating losts of greens and then eating complex whole grain carbs for fuel, but I did notice I could breath easier when eating bananans for fuel, but I'd feel so dizzy and muscles sort of weak like when you eat anythign too sugary and you just feel crappy.
From my research I've found that, "Fructose malabsorption is thought to affect approximately 40 percent of individuals in the Western hemisphere"
I have a similar problem. I recently noticed that tomatoes make me feel dizzy afterwards, so I removed them from my diet.
Then this year ever since watermelon season started here, I've been feeling severely dizzy, lightheaded and with headaches after having watermelon (today was the third day when I ate watermelon and it made me feel the same). I only experience dizziness when I eat watermelon, it doesn't happen with any other sweet fruit. If I eat bananas or dates, or bananas and dates together, I feel so great afterwards. Someone told me it could be diabetes, but I would have to be dizzy after eating any sweet fruit, not just watermelon.
How I eat watermelon: I eat one slice at a time, then take a break of 30 min to 1 hr, then have another slice. I don't get dizzy after eating each slice, but only in the end, because then I usually have the last 2 slices together as one larger slice. After the first watermelon, I felt incredibly dizzy and the dizziness lasted the whole night. After the second one, I was less dizzy. And today, after the third one, I felt dizzy for like 30 min, then everything came back to normal.
I searched on the internet and I don't experience all the other symptoms of diabetes (excessive thirst, quick weight loss, excessive urination, tingling of fingers, blurred vision). I sometimes feel kind of tired, but that's because I have some issues with my left hip, and I sometimes sweat during the night, but not every night, which I guess it's because I like to be well covered when sleeping. I also read about watermelon allergy and this can include headaches and dizziness as well, but I don't get hives or troubled breathing.
I must say that I follow a high carb low fat raw vegan diet, no overt fats, no onion/garlic/spices/nightshades, just sweet fruit mono-meals throughout the day and a salad with butter lettuce, cucumbers and lemon juice in the evening.
Your help would be so useful. Thank you so much.
I think I might have figured something out. I got a blood glucose meter and tested my fasting level tis morning which was within range, but after I ate 7x bananas I was above range well within the per-diabtic range. So from what I'm seeing so far it looks like I am having a problem processing sugar, or at least fructose. My fasting level was ok, but not how I responded, so that would be called IGT, or impaired glucose tolerance or hyperglycemia.
I'm thinking though my levels are high because of a possible fructose intolerance, as I didn't test with the standard 75g of pure glucose, I just tried it first with some bananas to see what my levels did in reaction and if that is why I feel bad after eating bananas. Going to do the test again but with glucose next time, and also order a thyroid panel.
Yeah you might be totally right about having a hidden Thyroid problem, as that could explain two things, 1) why I can't process fruit sugar 2) why I couldn't loose much weight eating LFRV even when 100% and training 2-4hrs a day weight loss just stopped.
Thanks, I get sick from all grains and oats, wheat, rice, etc, I can tolerate some buckwheat and potatoes and root veggies and that's what I use for carbs to get my cycling in, but I can tell my cardio runs smoother on bananas but I have all the other sugar type symptoms.
Yeah I've had CBC complete blood counts done before any everything was within range, I'll do it again and see what's going on, going to get tested for fructose intolerance and thyroid too, and get a blood sugar meter and see if my blood sugar levels are ok.
I'm thinking too maybe my Candida is just so out of control that even a 3x week fast or 6x months of LFRV isn't enough to put it in check, and eating sugary fruit just sets it off?
I simply feel like I ate a pound of candy and I guess some people feel like a hyper kid, me it blows a gasket, any sugar does this to me, even eating too much complex carbs makes me feel horrid.
I've struggled with Candida since I was a kid so maybe thats it? I don't know, I did what Dr. Graham said and ate no fats and only fruit and still felt as dizzy and symptomatic 6x months later.
DonkeyKong is probably right, its just the body adjusting to the diet, especially after going for that long not eating any sugar.
But I have the same symptoms even after 6x months 100% LFRV?
Right, but I have all these symptoms even when slamming down fruit for months on end, it happens all the time, fasting or not, first bite of fruit after fasting, or 6x months of eating 100% LFRV.
I'm not diabetic as far as I know, going to get a blood glocose meter and keep an eye on my levels, but I've tested them myself before when I thought I had a problem and it turned out my sugars where stable and when I felt ill before it was from food allergies and intolerances I discovered later, and that I removed and don't get those headaches anymore.
Yes I eat 100% organic unless I can't find something, all the fruit is organic I eat.