I just want to know some of the members here thoughts on subject. Thank you. Is this cruelty? Is this exploitation? These are the questions I've been avoiding for some time now.
"Unfortunately they also have a tiger show, sea lion show and a monkey who was spotted picking up garbage from the ground. They have a team of ponies bound to a metal spinning apparatus and forced to walk in circles for hours on end to create a live carousel.
These animals do not belong at a carnival, traveling long distances from shows or being displayed to the public. "
98% of cruelty to animals is caused by the meat industry. It is far better to spend one's limited time campaigning to stop people eating meat, than worrying about zoos, horse racing etc. IMO
It's cruelty and exploitation. Animals are broken, whipped, etc to get them to perform tricks. Nothing good about it at all. Zoos, circuses, carnivals, all that involve animals is a big fat no :(
I'm interested in your point of view on Zoos. I figured the educational value of Zoos was a major boon.
Thank you, I can't keep level headed about this stuff. Due to confirmation bias, I want to see a world with no animal cruelty. I want to see circuses as cruelty free. Thus I perceive circuses as cruelty free, when they aren't.
Conformation bias is why I didn't see eating meat as causing animal suffering. Who would want to perceive animal suffering? I certainty wouldn't, thus I saw what I wanted to see and came to the conclusion that meat from the supermarket was cruelty free.
What Is a Confirmation Bias?
A confirmation bias is a type of cognitive bias that involves favoring information that confirms previously existing beliefs or biases."
A positive thing is, Cirque Du Soleil is a circus/performing group that doesn't use any animals in their acts and it's all humans who love what they do <3