Do YOU spank your children???

The facts about spanking:

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  • Thanks for the input everyone, discussion is closing now.

    I'm really happy to see that most of us here are non spankers and pro peaceful parenting and living!

    Hopefully the few child abusers/advocates will listen to reason, review the mountain of evidence and reconsider.

  • Sean Connery's justification on why it's sometimes OK to slap women, sounds a lot like how some here have tried to justify why it's sometimes OK to hit children.

    Take a look/listen.

    Barbra Walters interviews Sean Connery on slapping women - YouTube.mht

  • Not when you're talking kiwis versus plums...

  • Certain foods cause allergic reactions in some and not others; different parenting methods work for different families. 

  • There's a right and wrong way for many things...

    Kiwis aren't a necessary part of my diet, but they also can be used or abused. Eat the peel and yeah, kiwis are nasty little things. Take the peel off and they're palatable. There's a right and wrong way. Same with spanking. There's an appropriate and inappropriate way, and I think we at least agree that ABUSIVE hitting is wrong.  Abusive hitting isn't what proper spanking is. 

    One parent spanks and another does not. No need for those parents to judge each other if both raise good children. 

    The discipline comment was in response to Robert K's comment about being punished at school. 

  • Stefan is my favourite speaker on philosophy. Spanking just makes criminals in the end and causes the future generations pain while the adults feel like they have power and have a purpose in their life by raising children properly. It's just plain silliness. 

    School also acts similarly just instead of spanking you get punished for things that are complete BS. Being forced to do work that you do not have a choice whether you want to do and then get punished if you do not do your homework on your own free time with no care about how you feel about it, is pure insanity.

    • I guess I've never seen your claim about kids becoming criminals come into fruition, but interesting idea. 

      I value the discipline I received in school because it enabled me to develop valuable workplace skills that allow me to earn an income that affords me time and resources to pursue things I really enjoy, and I do also enjoy my job.  There are many others who feel the same.  Discipline and work ethic are valuable societal skills. 

      • " I can't compare taking away a cell phone and hitting a child. One of them involves hitting somebody. "

        @Mary...And one of them involves theft! I am still confused as to how you circumstantially justify theft or a child's possessions as a punishment but do not circumstantially justify hitting. The distinction seems rather arbitrary. If the assumption is that hitting children promotes violence, logically one of that mindset should expect that theft from children promotes theft in adulthood.

        "it would be beneficial for you to meet people outside of your current circle."

        I am also amused that you suggest in earlier posts that my social circle is limited simply because I do not share your viewpoint. I daresay I've met a wider variety of people than most! I respectfully disagree with your perspective on spanking, ask that you do the same for me, and apologize if I've said something that set you off (other than the mere statement of my viewpoint/opinion, of course!)

        • Spanking is the deliberate policy of hitting a child so a certain behavior stops.  It's not necesary since other methods of discipline exist and work.

          Withholding the priviledge of using a cell phone bought and continually paid for by the parent may be the result of misuse of the cell phone, that belongs to the parent and that the child is using.  I wouldn't consider it a possession of the child if I was paying for it.  Sort of like a drivers license, it would be taken if rules (which would be agreed upon by both child and parent first) weren't followed. 

          You are obviously a well spoken person.  Have you considered how much time you have dedicated here to trying to convice people that hitting children is ok?  And could you please elaborate as to the exact difference between abusing a child and spanking?  How to hit a child without causing damage?

  • +1 :)

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