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  • Hey there,

    I'm new to 30bad and stumbled across your videos here, I just wanted to say I love your energy and message! I'm working on my own blog right now, maybe I'll get into videos at some point, but being in front of a camera seems intimidating :)

    Keep up the good work! It's inspiring to see other young people/people my age following this path - it's hard sometimes when everyone around you is smashing in the chips, chicken wings, and pizza.

  • Thanks for the welcome message, Robert.

    I still remember watching some of your video's when you just started :)

    And I was thinking today about back up fruits! I just saw your video.

    I will be on the lookout for dates in the coming months :)

    The main reason for me joining here is to find other people interested in living self sufficiently. If you are interested, let me know! If not but you know someone who is, I would really appreciate it if you could put the two of us in contact with each other.

    Well, anyway, thanks for the welcome, I think this community will be a great addition to my journey to better health.

    Regards from The Netherlands,


  • thank you, i appreciate that.  :)

  • love your vid on buying bananas in bulk!

    I'm going to get my dad to read it so he can stock up for me before i go back to Ontario for the holidays :)

  • RK,

    I just caught that inexplicable "lame-o" comment in the raw bread thread.  Don't know what may have prompted such  rudeness in light of your reasonable comment, but I let the insulting party know that we expect more courteous communication here.

    Hopefully that will settle the matter, but pls let me know if anything more comes of it.

  • Thanks for understanding. I know that you were only giving an alternative in the circumstances, and that you do encourage all to buy the book when they can, but Doug does feel strongly about this.

    In Peace,




    Not sure why really- but since our conversation- I haven't had Kombucha!! LOL- caught a few of your youtube videos and your blog- nice work!!

  • cool you are from toronto as well :D
  • Hi!!!! Thanks for the positive post on the forum
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