Hey everyone, just recently in the past 4-5 months I've really started to care for my health. First went to organic food, felt better, but obviously nowhere near how i would as a LFRV. Probably around the middle of January I learnt about raw vegan, and started to incorporate a lot more greens into my diet, and got myself a juicer. I've been about 80% raw since then (parent's pretty much force feeding me at least a small amount of cooked foods lol) but for most of the time, the majority of my intake was greens. I felt a decent amount better as I wasn't putting my body on overload trying to digest heavy foods, but I really didn't have a great amount of energy.
Now I've increased the amount of fruits I eat and decreased the greens and feel much better. At first when i heard of 80-10-10 i knew it was loads healthier than the standard american diet, but didn't think i could handle fruits all day. I continued eating raw foods, but i felt that the greens weren't enough, and felt that I needed fruits. I added fruits to my diet and I'm a LOT more energetic. It's only been about a week so far with the larger intake of fruits, and I've already gained a decent amount of muscle. I have too much energy, so I need to jog every day now, and my pace is a lot faster than before.
From this, I've learnt so far that in order to actually do anything in life, you need fruits xD Greens are nice and pretty, but they can't replace fruits. I've also come to trust in listening to what my body wants a lot more, and not just follow a set of rules because some hot shot say's its the best way to stay healthy.
Overall this seems like one of the best places to settle at, and I can't wait to meet all of you :)
Oh and lastly, one of my problems at the moment, isn't anything I have to overcome myself, just that I need to find a way to be able to supply myself with enough fruit to last for at least a week. My budget is probably around $120 a week ( I'm thankful my parent's will spend that much on me anyways) so I'm wondering what do you guys recommend I'd mainly focus on buying. I've already contacted 2 fruit whole salers(by email) that are both only about 10 min drive from me. I hope i get lucky and get a response :) Other than that i've also contacted the store that we currently buy organic food from, and they said they'll sell cases of fruits, but I'd like to compare the prices and see. Though any discount, is a good discount.
I know bananas and dates are major staples, but exactly how much would you guys recommended I buy for a week, and what other fruits do you recommended? Thanks for taking the time to read through all of this, and I hope I get some good responses :)
i have not been able to get a hold of organic produce, and I buy about $150 a week on bananas and dates. It is good to eat some greens as well - i guess you're including these right? and I don't know about the rest of it. I know my housemate wants to see me eat pasta and rice but I will eat fruit and vegetables...