Hy vegans and dog experts,
i know someone who has a dog. The dog got sick. She has a problem, with her anal glands.
The "owner" of the dog went to doctors. The doctors all recommended hard medication. Now the dog also has problems, because of the medication.
The "owner" stopped the medication and asked for advice. I read, that small dogs and dogs witch are overweight, have problems with there anal glands.
The dog I am writing you about, is not small, but overweight.
I read it there http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2010/09/16/dog-anal-gland-problem.aspx
and there http://burnspet.co.uk/petcare/burns-pet-nutrition-advice/full-anal-glands.html
I showed the "owner" the articles.
They clearly say, that food and overweight are main causes of the problem.
The "owner" tried to solve the problem with a different diet. But the problem is: She does not see, that her dog is to fat.
Now she gives her dog especially Coconut Oil, Butter and whip cream, because she thinks, that fat would detox her dogs body.
She would be opened for advice, but what advice should I give her?
Thank you for recommendations.
plenty of helpful doggie diet advice in here: http://www.30bananasaday.com/notes/Animal_Sanctuary_and_30BaD_No_Ki...
Thank you, Windlord. I will look it up.
What does the dog's vet say about the weight issue? If the "owner" does not the that there is a problem shouldn't the vet make her aware of it?
Hy Made,
thank you for your answer. The dog's vets did not say anything about the weight issue, or the "owner" did not realize it and did not tell about it. I know, that it can happen, that doctors for humans can describe medication instead of naming the main reason for sickness. They can describe medicine for high cholesterol , instead of recommending not to eat cholesterol, for example.
Maybe the dog's vets don't know, or maybe they did not want to tell it, because they know, that it can be hard for the "owner" to realize, that she made something wrong. Maybe they don' t want to be the bad messenger.