My mom keeps telling me I'm eating too much. I know I'm not and I know my body is healing because my acne is almost gone (: ! Yay! But..I'm convinces that my mom has an eating disorder. She is usually around 110-112 pounds. She says she gained too much weight. She's only 117. She's repeatedly saying that she isn't going to eat until she loses 10 pounds. This makes me very sad. Any suggestions on what to say/do?

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  • People think I'm crazy to eat 10 bananas for lunch but calorically speaking that's about the same as a whopper with cheese and fries. More volume but equal calories. Some people don't realize that fruit is less calorie dense than cooked food.
  • You mean, any suggestions on how to help your mum? Or just how to get her to leave you in peace ;)?

  • All you can do is take care of yourself and share your love with everyone.  Offer her a piece of fruit every once in awhile :) She's on her own journey as well and you can't force her in your direction.

  • You just keep doing your thing and let your mom do hers.. then compare results periodically.. eventually she'll realize what YOU do is the better way because it's healthy and sustainable on the long run.

  • Keep showing her Freelee and Harley videos! :)  Keep being the example for her! :)

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