Hello everyone,
Glad I found this place as I could use some guidance and help transitioning from the typical American meat and potatoes diet to a vegan diet and a healthier lifestyle. I was slowly heading for a early death with type-ii diabetes, diabetic neuropathy, high blood pressure, arthritis, stenosis, spine misalignment and a herniated disc in my back. I also suffered from a 3rd nerve palsy that gave me double vision so bad that I couldn't walk with both eyes open. All of these problems were born of my total disregard for my health, my heavy animal protein and dairy diet, my sedentary lifestyle and a very depressed outlook on the rest of my life.
Whew, ok, that was then, this is now. After the eye palsy I realized I was dying and I needed to make a drastic change. I started to research nutrition, different diets and lifestyles and ran in to a book by Dr. Gabriel Cousens on raw food veganism. I saw Dr. Neal Barnards Tedx talk, I saw literally hundreds of Youtube videos on health, fitness and vegan lifestyles which is where I discovered Freelee and Harley.
What they were preaching jived with what the doctors I was following were saying about the chemistry of the body and how to reverse most if not all of the health problems I have. So in March of this year after my epiphany I vowed to change my life, and it appears to be working. I started out in early March 2016 at 440 lbs (I know) and in six weeks I've lost 50 lbs, started walking , doing Pilates and light weight lifting. I've lowered my insulin intake by 2/3's, lowered my blood pressure by 30 points and I'm starting to have feeling return to the bottoms of my feet.
Sorry for the novel folks, but it helps me to get it all out there. I look forward to interacting with you all and desperately need you input and support on this journey I'm on. So again well met and thanks for taking the time to read all of this!!
Thanks everyone for the kind and inspiring words, they really do help.
Well done man! So proud of you. Please update us from time to time so we can be proud some more :D
Wow, well done for opening up your eyes and choosing this healthier lifestyle! You are SO saving your own life! :)
I am new here too and looking to be inspired by fellow RT4ers. I wish you the best of luck and look forward to reading further posts on your progress :)
Hey man! Welcome. I am new here as well. I'm glad your on the path to mastery my man. Keep it up no matter what. Stay positive and center yourself around people who are positive and interested in healthy eating, exercise and getting outdoors. I find getting out in the mountains helps. Austerity is important and being alone there you find creativity and balance. I'm huge into these, it's my meditation. I also bike and have been biking since I was 6 years old. It brought me places I've only dreamt of or seen from an airplane window. Glad your hear. Let's learn share and teach together.
I don't write here too often now. Wow...congrats.
You remind me of: https://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?p=military+guy+doing+yoga&e...
Eat from nature, walk in nature and you will be amazed!!