Howdy all :)
After much discussion in the PK's and seeing a number of posts/blogs talking about cooked vegan food we have decided to create a forum for these discussions rather than totally disallow them (or have them scattered throughout the main raw food forum).
This may prove to be a good move especially as we have seen undercarbed folks leave the 30BaD forum after not implementing the lifestyle recommendations and then go back to eating animals. We of course don't want this to happen for their health or the animals and having a high carb cooked vegan forum may also assist in minimising this.
Of course we don't want the forum to turn into a cooked food forum so please post all discussions/mentions of high carb cooked vegan food into this forum. This way we can continue on keeping the main forum on track and raw! We will trial this to see how it goes, we have already moved a number of discussions here :)
Here are some guidelines that we support, put together by the super helpful PK
- Cooking is for emergencies only such as financial reasons and or there is no ripe fruit available, then low fat cooked starches may be an acceptable back up plan.
- Always choose foods that are vegan and promote compassion towards our fellow earthlings.
- Avoid dairy products for compassionate and health reasons:
- Cooking denatures food and kills the enzymes needed in digestion. Try to plan for at least 75% of the diet to be raw fruits and leafy greens.
- Cooked foods should still be low fat for weight control and cardiovascular health and optimum energy.
- Continue to focus on high carb high calorie sources and the more nutrient dense, the better.
- Fruits do not mix well with cooked foods and or grains. An idea is to eat fruit meals during the day, and perhaps end the day with a big salad and bowl of steamed rice.
- Cooking should be simple, with as little processing and as few ingredients as possible, and foods should resemble their original states such as steamed broccoli verses cookies.
- This is not a license to kill foods with salt and spices or to eat McDeaths french fries. A bowl of steamed rice is fine, hold the oil, salt, and spices.
- Continue to follow other guidelines such as avoiding booze, tea, coffee, soda, drugs, etc. Read more here:
- Cooking is for emergencies only, and not for a transition tool. We still recommend going 100% low fat raw fruit and leafy green for optimum digestion and health results. As we have said before, one cannot ride two horses (or bikes;D) with the same bum. For best results and to get over addictions, just do it 100% if and when possible.
- Whenever possible, choose ripe fruits and leafy greens. Primates and humans cannot manufacture vitamin C, and must consume it in fruit and greens, or they may develop sub-clinical symptoms of scurvy which could include things like skin ulcerations and mouth infections. Grains and some beans do not have vitamin C, and some beans and potatoes that do have minimal amounts, may have the vitamin C rendered useless via cooking.
- Continue to consider that some of the cheaper so called starch foods have little or no vitamin C, and are usually high in protein. These foods may cause an acid condition in the body that can contribute long term to arthritis, osteoporosis, tooth decay, kidney problems and kidney stones and cancer. Grains can also cause indigestion, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, colitis, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, and indigestion.
- Again, it is recommended that as soon as circumstances allow, that one should resume eating a low fat raw fruit and tender leafy green based diet. For some folks, that may be as easy as downgrading the house and car payment.
- To save a little money now and go the starch route, only to get sick and have to pay for doctors and medications later on is a decision one will have to ask themselves if it is worth the risk involved.
BTW, I have known millionaires and people making over 100K a year who cannot afford fruit because they are maxed out financially on the McMansions they have bought and the beamers and benzes they drive.
After our 1 week trial of the high carb cooked vegan forum we have decided to move any discussions about cooked food to a specialised group. It was going well however we can see the potential for the cooked food discussions to overrun the home page and we want to keep the forum on the HC raw vegan track as much as possible. All discussions about cooked food will now be closed and a note added about them being moved to the group. Feel free to discuss high carb cooked vegan foods/meals there.
Thanks for working with us!
Nice video,
And thanks for pointing out the gluten free tip.
In dealing with some members here who have had to cook, I have found that people do better with steamed rice, with steamed potatoes being a close second.
I also caution people to be careful with the cruciferous veggies like broccoli. They can cause indigestion, gas, bloating, and slowed digestion resulting in not being able to to eat enough calories and carbs.
Even in doing a cooked transition, this list of naughty and nice fruits and veggies may be helpful:
Peace, PK
Thank you for your kind words.
Peace, PK
Some changes have been made:D
Peace, PK
Thanks for pointing this out. I will ask Freelee about changing this.
Peace, PK
So does this mean any raw food topics will get removed from this thread? :P
absolutely! As you can see, you forced me to cross out your egregious reference to raw.
Please let this be a warning to you... ;)
While we are sympathizing with those of you who may need to resort to cooked foods because of financial emergencies and or not having access to ripe fruit, this is not a promotion or endorsement of eating cooked foods and or grains, and we still stand behind the science that a low fat raw fruit and leafy green based diet is optimum for human health and long term thrival.
I am attempting to attach a free ebook which may put some of your concerns to rest regarding the following issues:
Improving On Pritikin: You Can Do Better by Ross Horne
If the attachment does not work the book is available at scribd:
This book asks and answers the following:
Second Thoughts On Pritikin (insert, who btw, followed a similar plan as McDougall)
Healthy Blood, Healthy Cells, Healthy Body
Enzymes - The Secret of Life (cooking destroys enzymes and vitamins in foods, making them somewhat useless or even toxic to humans resulting in hypertrophy of the pancreas and other organs, and eventual premature organ failure.)
Human Nutrition (The natural diet of primates and humans, low fat raw fruits and tender leafies)
The Western Diet - Public Enemy No. 1
Toxemia and the Diseases of Civilization
Dieting for Health
Doctor Gerson
Modern Medicine, A Snare and a Delusion
Grains are for the Birds
(Why are cereals and grain products a bad choice for humans? This proves why people may feel good short term on a high starch high grain diet only to find out five years later they may have arthritis and or while they may have cured their atherosclerosis, they may find they have arteriosclerosis, that is a condition where the arteries harden into clay like pipes, among other issues like celiac and crohns. )
Second Thoughts on Exercise
Dieting for Longevity
Learning the Hard Way
In Conclusion
Ultimately, this book comes to the same conclusion via the personaL results of the author Ross Horne, those he assisted, and the use of other scientific references and studies carried out by other doctors and scientists, that a low fat raw fruitarian diet is the best diet for humans.
Peace, PK
Thanks PK, this is a good start for me to give to my "Veg Friendly" doctor. He is still getting about half his carbs from cooked grains and tubers. (He eats about 100g of raw fish 3 times a week and says he needs a pinch of salt or he faints!).
May I ask if there is ANY science behind the 75% figure? Or is this just an "it sounds good" number? For example, does 66% sound good or 85% sound good? This is a serious question if there is something significant about 75% raw?