Is there any way one could attend the festival without paying what I pay for in a year for rent (I have real cheap rent)?? I would really love to go but I find it hard to believe that so many people can just dish out that much money for a week long retreat. I am sure it is worth every penny...but I don't know...maybe I'm just really poor. Well, I am...and usually I'm totally fine with that...except when I would like to go to WoodstockFF :)
Is there any work trade opportunities? Payment plans? I could always sell my car. Jk. But seriously that actually crossed my mind.
id pay any amount for unlimited quality fruit, warm weather, fresh air, and a huge lake. the only problem is money:]
you can always sneak in, if you r that frugal. bring some fruit though or prepare for vengeance.
I'm not sure if they have any spots for volunteering, but I believe you get a decent amount off if you do happen to volunteer.