This is the closest we have for pics and below is to follow forum discussions
Heather Bhagat > Frugivore FreeleeJanuary 26, 2012 at 2:24am
Thanks Freelee! :) I didn't know about that option. :) Do you have to click that on each post?
A nice suggestion for the future (if possible) would be to have alerts on the side bar telling when someone has posted on your material (blogs, photos ect). It would be very useful!
Thanks yeh I'm aware of that option but just imagine how many posts would then take up the sidebar? This forum is very busy (unlike others with the sidebar reply update) and it would be like having a second forum which I don't feel is necessary. It would be updated so quickly that you would miss it in the sidebar too :-/ Its better to have a variety of topics Imho.
Heather Bhagat > Frugivore FreeleeJanuary 26, 2012 at 2:56am
Well what I mean by the sidebar is this part down below :) Where it says "Alerts", it takes you to another page. Then when you click on it you could have the option of "comment reply" or "photo comment". So it doesn't take up much room =) Just something so people can have an easier time replying.
boy that was fun!
And for forum posts also!
Maybe we can get Freelee/Harley to set something up :)
This is the closest we have for pics and below is to follow forum discussions
Thanks Freelee! :) I didn't know about that option. :) Do you have to click that on each post?
A nice suggestion for the future (if possible) would be to have alerts on the side bar telling when someone has posted on your material (blogs, photos ect). It would be very useful!
No worries :-)
Thanks yeh I'm aware of that option but just imagine how many posts would then take up the sidebar? This forum is very busy (unlike others with the sidebar reply update) and it would be like having a second forum which I don't feel is necessary. It would be updated so quickly that you would miss it in the sidebar too :-/ Its better to have a variety of topics Imho.
Well what I mean by the sidebar is this part down below :) Where it says "Alerts", it takes you to another page. Then when you click on it you could have the option of "comment reply" or "photo comment". So it doesn't take up much room =) Just something so people can have an easier time replying.
Heather B
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