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  • Hi Heather! Does it take a long time to get a video approved on 3obad? Whats your experience? Thxs for the info.. :) Have a great day!

  • Hi Heather,

    It's good to see there are a few divers about.

    Most of the fruit rescued pictured is of excellent quality

    The picture below is a dive earlier this month and was only a little more than half of the mangoes I retrieved on that occasion.


  • Heather! It's been awhile. I sent you some pictures, but I never heard from you, did you get them?

  • Hi Heather :) Thanks for the invite! This weekend is too busy for me. When are you hosting another? I am also on Banana Island for the month of October so I wouldn't be much fun ;) I would LOVE to go to another though so keep me informed!

  • My friends think I'm weird but they're use to it. I have been vegan for over a year and they thought that was weird so now they're just like whatever. Because I'm gluten intolerant as well I usually eat fruits and veggies so my friends are kind of use to it. :)

  • You had a recent burfday?  Must've missed it when I was out of town.  

    Happy belated!

  • 1236780798s4j00A.jpg

  • Haha.. fruit bat! I love it! Go Team Fruit Bats! :) Woohoo!!

  • That would be great! I just met Sweatpea recently too. It's nice to have a connection to some locals that are doing this as well.

  • Hi, not doing too bad.. atleast that is how I feel. Still learning as I go. Glad to find another NH girl! :) How long have you been doing this?

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