My name is Sarah. I live in the central Ohio area (halfway between Cleveland and Columbus). I'm a stay-at-home mom. I home school my 8 year old daughter and 7 year old son.In May of 2007 I became a high-raw vegan after 5 months of researching the health benefits. 1 year ago I went 100% raw 811 after 4-5 months of bouncing between high-raw and 811. My family is high-raw, eating mostly 811. My goal is for them to be 100% this year. I'm very interested in raw health and nutrition. I enjoy traveling, reading, researching, writing, and encouraging others in their journey to a healthier life.Eating a diet full of raw, fresh, juicy, sweet fruits and veggies has been the best thing I could ever do for my body. The physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual benefits are indescribable. I feel more vibrant and alive than ever before.You can find out more about my experiences at Living Fruity.
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I live even a bit further north in Rochester, NY. I am not sure if there is a single raw foodist in my city. I see some interest in Perhaps I will need to travel to Ohio just to meet some people that live this lifestyle. I started 6 weeks ago, and the availability of bananas is the only thing that has allowed me to do this in the wintertime. I am looking forward to going to the local markets this summer.
Sarah! You were talking about how doesnt have raw food meetups in your area, but here are 2 people that DO live there! OHIO 80/10/10 MEETUP!!! lol. =)
I've been enjoying your blog about your first year of 811.
I really hope that Elijah and all of you are feeling better now.
With love