The flesh is slightly pinkish/brown. I think I've heard different opinions on this in the past and can't find much info in a quick Google search (the body ecology site says not to use it if it's pink). Thanks!
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Thanks everyone. I couldn't tell a difference in smell or taste, but I'm not a coconut connoisseur & I don't eat/drink them very often. It was pretty old, tho (at least a month, I think, altho it had been refrigerated). I tossed it.
I ordered a case of young thai coconuts about a year ago and a few of them were pink on the inside. I was too afraid to eat any of the pink ones for the same reason that I would be afraid to eat a banana if I peeled it and found that it was pink!
I'm not sure what it means if a coconut turns pink, but I do know that my instincts automatically tell me NOT to eat pink coconuts. I would think that everyone else's instincts would be the same, but who knows... (I remember Matt Monarch eating brown avocados in a YouTube video and saying that he liked them that way.)
I've heard that it's a sign that the coconut is starting to go bad, but why it would turn pink of all colors I'm not exactly sure. Hopefully someone can answer this question, because I've wanted to know what this means as well for the past year.
I've read that pink/purple meat means that the coconut is starting to decay - you shouldn't eat its meat or drink its water. Personal experience also confirms this. The water of a decaying coconut may also be slightly off color - more pink or yellow, but not always. Sometimes its only by tasting the water, you can tell that it tastes funny, and then sure enough, you crack open the coconut and the flesh is purple slimy and thin. When you purchase a coconut be sure to check real good on the top and bottom for purple spots and if its bad, sometimes the sides of the coconut may even be more soft.
I'm not sure what it means if a coconut turns pink, but I do know that my instincts automatically tell me NOT to eat pink coconuts. I would think that everyone else's instincts would be the same, but who knows... (I remember Matt Monarch eating brown avocados in a YouTube video and saying that he liked them that way.)
I've heard that it's a sign that the coconut is starting to go bad, but why it would turn pink of all colors I'm not exactly sure. Hopefully someone can answer this question, because I've wanted to know what this means as well for the past year.