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  • Thank you so much!

    1. Did you have to get a special visa to stay the year?

    2. I'm planning a 2 week trip sometime this year. I want to see a few of the volcanoes and go to Puntarenas as well. Do you have any spots to recommend?

    3. That farm you stay on - is it the type of place where you can board for a bit if you pay a daily fee?

    4. Is fruit really as readily available as it seems?

    5. How much money would I need in order to stay in CR for 6 months? What are expenses like?

    6. What are a couple things you've learned since you've been there?

    7. What's your area like? Mountains?

    I'm aiming to one day move there, so these things would be good to know :)

  • Thanks a lot Jared,Have a great trip:)

  • Me too jared,

    looking at your pics you seems to be a good example how positive a raw vegan diet can be for people.I think your presence can influence a lot of people in the good direction!Thank you also for your message, Yves

  • I hope you have a fine time in costa-rica,do you know that sugercanejuice is the best powerfull juice It is known as a horse powerfull drunk within the country!because it's amount of minerals,most of all when it is fresh and organic so as you can have on the place ;aniway raw vegan seems to make from you a very strong man already!

    maybe we'll see each other in december,



  • Hey man, I just saw that you live in Columbus, OH.  I went to school at Capital.  Last year I played music at Hidden Lakes Winery (Canal Winchester) on Saturday nights.  I don't play up that way much anymore though.  I live in Dayton now. 

  • wow! i'm really impressed by your muscle building! I hope I can do that :) 

  • BTW:  Your before/after photos are incredible and spectacular.  You look so darn healthy now.  Congrats on your success. 

  • Thanks again Jared. Your explanation is very much what I imagined. Very true indeed! Keep up the good work!

  • Hey Jared! thank very much for your reply! A four day split, I understand. Can I ask are you very particular about the number of calories you eat or do you just eat until satiated. Also how many exercise per body part and do you have a preferred number of reps x sets or just go by feel/experience?

    thanks so much for your reply it really made my day! 

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