So in the next week I am going 100% raw vegan, and I've been having a lot of trouble with this.  I could really use some support or encouragement from other if anyone wants to drop me a line here, I would be infinitely grateful.

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  • Don't be sad I am hardcore 100 percent vegan and will always be.  Just was looking for motivation to stay raw. 

  • Thanks infinitely, Renee!

  • do it! the only reason i have trouble with 100% is cause i cant always afford the good stuff. i wont eat it if it doesnt taste good. but when you can get the good tasting quality fruit. its AMAZING being 100%. best diet on the planet hands down. freshest feeling in the world

  • Go for it! You'll see so many benefits from going 100% raw!

    What areas in particular do you need support with? Do you have any specific questions? If so just ask and I'm happy to help :)

    General advice would be to make sure you eat enough (2500 cals minimum, the more the merrier!), be sure to always have plenty of ripe fruit on hand so you never have to eat anything else, get lots of sleep (8-12 hours) so you feel full of energy, keep well hydrated (3 liters +), and eat tons of fruit any time you feel hungry or like you'd like some cooked fare.

    I really cannot praise this lifestyle enough - healthy, ethical, and so much fun! You'll love it :)

    • Just looking for some encouragement and support generally as I have been having a lot of trouble transitioning to fully raw.  Thank you infinitely for your comment, and I will let you know if I need any more advice. 

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