For those of you who are interested in why Dr D isn't part of the upcoming Debate - Here is the facebook conversation we had on Kevin Gianni's wall just recently. Kevin skirted the question as much as he could but was forced to give an answer in the end. Not a good one as far as I'm concerned. Decided to copy the whole thread because there is some great contribution to read. Kevin's replies are bolded.
Hey Kevin, myself and many others are wondering why you didn't invite Doug Graham into your health debate? As you are probably aware, he was voted for many times. Thanks
Megan Rivard, Carolanne Michelle, Mera Noriega and 18 others like this.
Wednesday at 11:29am · Like · 2 people
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Wednesday at 1:47pm · Unlike · 5 people
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Wednesday at 1:52pm · Like · 1 person
Hey Kevin, myself and many others are wondering why you didn't invite Doug Graham into your health debate? As you are probably aware, he was voted for many times. Thanks
Wednesday at 1:53pm · Like · 3 people
I disagree, all points of view can and should be accommodated, isn't that the point of a debate?
Wednesday at 1:58pm · Unlike · 6 people
@George, I'm by no means bitter, please point out what seems bitter in my first comment and I'd be happy to point out why I'm not actually bitter about it, or perhaps ...
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Wednesday at 2:04pm · Like
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Thursday at 12:08am · Like · 2 people
"I've invited Frederic Patenaude to speak on a low fat perspective :-)"
I don't know why the same question is answered differently here as opposed to your fan page?
Fred is great but not the obvious choice. Why wouldn't you ask the daddy of the low fat raw vegan movement Kevin?
Thursday at 3:05pm · Like · 3 people
Thursday at 3:06pm · Like · 2 people
Don't you want the best in their perspective fields to participate Kevin? Dr. Doug is an authentic voice, he doesn't have items to sell, other than his books, and he, imho, is a walking testimonial on the effectiveness of 811 that us that are under 40 would like to achieve for ourselves.
And I like Fred, but, meaning no disrespect to him whatsoever, Doug is lightyears removed from the rest of us in expertise on 811. At least consider bringing on Durianrider, if the viewers' obviously overwhelming choice for Dr. Doug is overruled.
Also, I would like to see you address this question Freelee posted. It's a valid and politely stated question, that deserves addressing. Kind regards, Usha
Thursday at 5:39pm · Unlike · 1 person
Yesterday at 7:05am · Unlike · 2 people
Yesterday at 7:30am · Unlike · 4 people
Yesterday at 7:36am · Like · 4 people
It's just too bad that Doug wasn't even invited (so far), because I really would have liked to get a no-nonsense approach. Doug is the only one who actually provides that. Not just in theory but also by example.
All I keep hearing from self-proclaimed "guru's" is: "It depends" and "Determine for yourself what works for you" which is fair enough, but how am I to do that when not all the info is available and people with very worthy and valid information are excluded or just cast aside?
Is this whole event about promoting high fat raw and selling products, or is this an actual debate about health? Just asking.
What I am seeking is excellent health, I'm not looking to buy over-priced products, or sit through informercials under the (false) pretense of seminars. If I need a product, I will know where to find it, there are so many possibilities of buying people's products.
But I am looking for honest, clean info, based on results. I think there might be many people like me, and that I'm not alone in this. This debate would have been a great opportunity to reach out to people like me who would tune in to this debate to actually learn something valuable, by examining ALL angles, not a one-sided lecture.
I am very disappointed to learn that a very popular angle to the raw food lifestyle is (seemingly on purpose) being left out, by refusal to include the one person who (literally) wrote the book on it. Dr. Douglas Graham, author of "The 80-10-10 Diet."
As said, I like Fred, have nothing against him, but if this is going to be the high profile event it's set out to be, you need to bring Doug on. Simple. Regards, Usha.
Yesterday at 7:56am · Unlike · 2 people
I wrote on the blog today that I choose Frederic because I thought he could step up to the plate and have a energetic and strong presentation. I've spent time with him recently and enjoyed being with him and Veronica and he was at the forefront of my mind.
Many of you assume that I'm giving Doug the cold shoulder here - as well as other more dubious things.
This is not the case. I think I've interviewed Dr. D more than 90% of the experts I have on the program and have spent time with him more than 60% or so. I've spent some time running with him at various events. We did a joint event in St. George, UT last year as well as teamed up for a debate in Oregon. I respect Doug's work, like being around him, I would do another event with him and I look forward to seeing him again this year.
Air time on the show is important to me and by interviewing Doug over the last few years at least 4 times and bringing him on the show for at least 5-8 episodes says something about my thoughts on him... it's almost like I'm not as much as a fencesitter when you look at it that way ;-)
Yesterday at 1:47pm · Like
Doug is the by far the most knowledgable on veganism and clearly the best debater... and you left him out. It's like leaving Michael Jordan out of the play offs. You have also interviewed many of the other participants involved in the "Great Debate" so for me that reasoning doesn't hold much datorade...but hey it's your show, maybe next time you can invite the 'best of the best' :)
Yesterday at 1:56pm · Like · 3 people
Why didn't you invite Doug on the show?
TIP: to stop people from assuming, clarify what people are assuming about. Otherwise it will continue.
Not inviting him say even more about your thoughts on him. Your last sentence is a triumph of amusement.
Yesterday at 6:26pm · Unlike · 4 people
Thanks Kevin- I still find it hard to follow your logic. Other participants have taken plenty of your air time in the past as well, but are still included. Don't get me wrong- if you want to organise a low key event with a bunch of guys talking about their ideas- I have nothing to say about that. It's different however when you promote it as a high profile event, people get interested, and then they find out that the experts are chosen based on the fact you had a nice time with them on holiday and they could potentially "step up" to the task? I don't mean to sound harsh here- I actually do appreciate Frederic's work. The very reason I got involved in this conversation is that I'm an event producer by profession, so spotting inconsistencies of that kind is my second nature by now. Working in a public eye requires transparency, otherwise the speculations will bring down the most of innocent projects.
Freelee put it well- it's like leaving off Michael Jordan in favor of a mate who played well after school and we got on. All the best.
23 hours ago · Unlike · 2 people
Freelee Fruititionist: Markus & Patrycja great valid points. I hope Kevin steps up and addresses your concerns but I won't be holding my breath. At the end of the day truth will continue to reign no matter how much it is wrongly suppressed.
23 hours ago · Like · 2 people
I am glad you think highly of Doug, as do we all, obviously. We all love Fred and Veronica too but when it comes to debating, there is no one who could step up to the plate better than Doug.
Personally, I would have liked to see a less "safe" choice, if you don't mind me saying. It's not going to Doug, then at least consider Durianrider too. Enter into a debate with people who are critical towards each other's perspectives, thus a real discussion can emerge. Honest and real debate, I feel, is what many of us want.
Being a fencesitter must have its positive sides... and good for something, no? ;-) *lol*
22 hours ago · Like · 1 person
22 hours ago · Like
We gave Kevin a new profile banner while he was sleeping ;-D
We gave Kevin a new profile banner while he was sleeping ;-D
every :-) or ;-) at the end of gianni's posts makes me shiver.
he's like a used car salesman with alterior motives
I do wish he would be truthful. I think those smilies are just emphasizing his passive aggressiveness. It's like he's scared to incur the wrath of the raw food world by having a concrete answer, but he's just losing his credibility in the process.
I'm ok with unbiased debates (of course), but this debate does not seem unbiased. Maybe, he's never experienced real, structured debate before?
The ideal journalist is a fencesitter: they glean as many facts as they can, and then assemble and present them with as little bias as possible to their audience. Kevin purports to be a journalist, but his actions clearly indicate he has undisclosed motives. I would appreciate it if he were a true fencesitter.