Recipes for Corn?
I was finally able to get a hold of organic yellow sweet corn, but now I don't know what to do with them. Anybody have any ideas? Salads? Dressings? Dips?
Read more…I was finally able to get a hold of organic yellow sweet corn, but now I don't know what to do with them. Anybody have any ideas? Salads? Dressings? Dips?
Read more…Years ago when I was making the transition from 100% raw gourmet, I would have absolutely loved this guide, which I guess is exactly why I wrote it.
I have been 100% raw for about 5 years now, and about 3 of those have been as a 8/1/1rv fruitarian. I
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the 1st of my friends series of videos entitled "Hikeamentary" where he walks our local hills, promotes fruit and gives a whimsical voice over, enjoy!
I read something a bit earlier that made me realize something...It is helpful to be 'ok" with where you are at NOW....and by this I mean....say you are not eating all the calories your proper intake should be, say you crave more fat than you should h
Read more…This video cracks me up...just watch for the part with the baby cows gettin' its milk on! ;p
HIee,Read more…
I am doing a special for anyone that rsvps by Nov 12th will get 1/2 OFF the cost for the cooking course, so it's ONLY 10$ to attend :))))
The class includes a health lesson, 3-4 recipe demo, and tasty samples yummm, including handouts!!!
Hello everybody! I just bought 5 kgs of gorgeous local organic chirimoyas…and they are soooo ripe that I'm gonna gladly travel to Chirimoya Island for a couple of days :D It’s been ages since the last time I ate any dairy, so for me it’s like eating
Read more…Hi, I was just wondering if there were any other teens out there, as I'm 13 (almost 14) years old, and I think I'm the youngest on this site. I have been 90/5/5 for about 3 months now, and lfrv for about 5 months. I run, and bike a lot, and I also do
Read more…1) Are there any fruitarian/811rv communes/communities (Planting and caring for fruit treas and veggies together, sharing the homeschooling for the children, caring for the old, etc.)
2) To which paradise do people retreat for a short time/go on va
OK Yeah this is like the other discussion that is going right now but that one is about 955 so I thought maybe people would want to add personal experiences with raw foods in general. I recently had a high kind of experience from sprouted garbanzo b
Read more…If you lived in a perfect fruity world, what would it look like? Describe the people that would be there, the fruit, the nature, anything that you think would make it home.
What do you guys do to ward off warm food cravings in the fall and winter? I haven't found too many people talking about it. I live in Missouri, it gets pretty chilly here in the winter, below zero a lot, and just wondering what other people do with
Read more…I'm doing a speech on raw living for a college assignment, and I would love to talk to some of you to get more information, or see if there is anything special anyone things I should point out, examples and such.
This post is for the benefit of all those experiencing teeth sensitivity on LFRV.
First of all - have faith that after a couple of years your teeth and gums will become stronger than ever before, but to keep your teeth through the process consider the
I found out that Abramowski wrote some books about a fruitarian diet.
I bought one that's called Fruitarian Diet &Physical Rejuvenation but I would like to collect other as well. They are very interesting.
Does anyone know where to find/ buy in ebook f
What's your opinion? Is fruitarianism(in this context: 811rv minus greens and salad dressings) the end goal we should have in mind? Would that give us optimal health(provided we have the correct quantity, quality, and variety of fruit)? Or are greens
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