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  • Dear Yuliya,


    How are You and Evan?    We miss You!  The 39 days was neat.  For You?


    Sending You Love. :*)

  • I have been taking cold showers since October 2011. How many days is that?

  • Here's a SOLE recepie, it's god I feel to re-mineralise your teeth and I feel it's also good for the body in so many ways, contrary to what DG says.

    Is calcium bentonite clay diff from just "bentonite clay"?

    Not sure about gums, but I hope you get it sorted. Teeth are such a difficult one, but yea chew greens, keep them clean, try SOLE and Bicarb and it should all clear up. I try to chew greens while gardening as much as possible.

    Love and Rainbows

  • Aloha Yuliya, thanks for your message ;) Well yea the teeth issue brought me here and since I started 811 I have not had issues. I did a few weeks back after I went out and ate some packets of chips and the salt I think really caused issues.. But otherwise they are feeling good, I rinse them very often, chew garden greens and herbs, gargle SOLE + Bicarb and don't eat sugary food anymore, especially chocolate in bed (cough cough, nawty me!).. I feel in time they will heal naturally as the rest of our body does when treated with love.

    How are yours?

    ♥ n good vibez :)

  • same to you:) look forward to hopefully meeting you!
  • Hey Yuliya! Hope all is well with you. I remember you being very knowledgable on dental health, and I'm wondering about a couple of things. What do you think about the practice of rinsing your mouth with baking soda dissolved in water? What about brushing your teeth with baking soda? I hear conflicting reports on this. Lastly, what is your opinion on rinsing with a food grade hydrogen peroxide solution? I appreciate your knowledge and expertise. Hope youre not working too hard on this year's WFF :)
  • i am eating either oranges or grapes for breakfast, bananas for lunch, and celery and dates for supper followed by a leafy green salad with pineapple / tahini dressing or just pineapple squeezed on top of the salad.  What out of those do you think is causing me the trouble?

  • Oh, sorry, i just found the answer to my question at the FAQ section on the woodstock page, so please just ignore it. Thank you! <3
  • Will do!
  • I hear you on that one. I saw a bulk produce shop on the bruckner heading towards the bridge, ever been?
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