headaches (15)

IS THE IPAD A DEPOPULATION TOOL? APPLE 666, ARTEMIS AND THE INFERTILITY PAD...apple headquarters aerial pics are very interesting! And 5G antennas being installed every block in the U.S. this year.

Artemis is known as the goddess of Fertility when you Google it… This is nothing more than a mass sterilization,depopulation project. Follow this article to the end and you will agree


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Headaches after eating?

Both me and my partner will feel pretty good, get hungry, eat a bunch of fruit and then feel wiped out. Tired with major head pressure. Why is this happening...?

I have been 100% HCRV for a month, he's still transitioning and is mostly off grains now.

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Yay Sydney!

Ok so Im about halfway thru 811. Loving it! Told my parents & boyfriend about this lifestyle & they did the usual "its not healthy" whilst eating pizza/chips/chocolate/icecream. I just told them to read the book.


So today ive started the diet. ate ap

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