I want to give my mentoring website a new name. I'm looking for a name which communicates experience, fruitiness etc.. Keep in mind I have to introduce myself with the title, for example... "Hi I'm Freelee, The raw food mentor..." so it has to flow there.
The site is open to both men and womyn so it need not be targeting a particular gender.
I have thought of a few...
(I know I asked a similar question before but previously the question was mainly about my ebook title)
Thanks so much :)
The reason I asked is because I know you guys are the most creative people on the planet !
P.S - The site is undergoing some major changes over the next week, I can't wait to share them.
PRIZE - I will give the person with the chosen name a free week's mentoring
THanks guys, the site is looking awesome.
It's currently: Learn from the girl who eats up to 50 bananas a day!
Maybe I could say something about fruitrition in the tag...
I could also train Fruititionists in fruitrition :D
Here's a few.
Learn vibrant health from the world's leading Fruitritionist!
Learn from the World's first Fruititionist!
Freelee the Fruititionist at your service
Learn how to look after your fruitrition
Nutrient - Nutrition - Nutritionist
Fruit - Fruitition - Fruititionist
My grammer is not the best but if you google '*ritionist' ... you get nothing but results for nutritionists. If however you google '*itionist' you get more varied results.
Harrison is a bit of a word freak, why don't you get his opinion.
Oh and for the tagline I think you should use one of the newly coined words as you might pick up some extra traffic out of curiosity.
Actually, maybe you could coin fruitrition AND fruitition. Like... Fruititionists practice and teach fruitrition.
Wow that's a fun sentence. Fruititionists practice fruitrition. Say THAT one a few times....
Anyone wanna add them to Wikipedia and UrbanDictionary.com?? I would but it's a bit past my curfew tonight. I'll check into it tomorrow, but you guys are creative as fruit. Get some good definitions in, yea?
Anyway, congrats Freelee! I love it - and the banner. Lovely
oh you are good!
Actually, maybe you could coin fruitrition AND fruitition. Like... Fruititionists practice and teach fruitrition.
Thank you so much!
Excellent idea on the urban dictionary, i"m not really familiar with it but will head their now...
Darn i've already bought the domain and installed the header!
thats awesome
'Fruit' version of intuition and nutritionist - PERFECT!