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in the sun! :) Im on a health/truth journey, and that has taken me to a low fat raw vegan lifestyle. I am just now getting into yoga, and meditating. I love designing and creating beautiful things.
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My goal is to be a low fat raw vegan right now, and achieve true health. I also hope that this lifestyle will help balance hormones, as I have a pituitary tumor and high prolactin.
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yes taken
My favourite books/movies/authors/pastimes are...
The China Study
Green for Life
The Tao of Wu
Catch 22
The Frugivore started this site to bring together frugivores across the Globe! Let us know what high fruit assistance do you need?
Tips from other raw vegans !
The Frugivore Diet is a fruit-based vegan internet community which promotes a high carb fruit based vegan lifestyle free of any animal products. Our forum does not tolerate encouragement of anything contrary to this. Nor do we allow endorsement of non-vegan items or practises which involve the imprisonment, exploitation, abuse or murder of sentient beings. We also require our members to post with proper netiquette. Therefore, please indicate your intention:
hi juicyfruity,
you asked me to keep you aware of how the d-fraction maitake mushroom extract is working for a possible regrowth of a pituitary tumor (prolactinoma). been taking 40mg of d-fraction on an empty stomach for the past 2 months...... and a small amount of maitake mushroom cooked in water and then i drink the broth for the past 2 to 3 weeks. forgive me if this is gross, no other way to say it. this morning i had an erection after i had been awake for 15 minutes. can't remember the last time that happened.also i think i have had more sexual fantasies than usual. the lack of both of them are supposed to be an indicator of a medical problem like a pituitary tumor.
hi my name is matt. saw your posts about having a tumor in your pituitary gland (prolactinoma)
i had the same problem and i looked 13 when i was 23. my endorcrinologist put me on parlodel, then dostinex. got tired of something about them so i quit them and went raw instead. been off those drugs for 5 years at least. no headaches, no vision problems like you would have with a tumor. still i don't feel 100 percent. keep thinking that the tumor could be growing back. so i have been taking maitake mushroom extract, 40 drops (41 mg) a day.
(6) 44 years old, male, brain tumor
This is an example of D-fraction working very well. The patient has taken 100 mg of D-fraction and 6 g of maitake tablets every day for four months without taking any other medication, including chemotherapy and radiation. He had received chemotherapy (Lomustine: CCNU) 135 mg for four cycles, beginning in February, 1994. Because of severe side effects, no treatment was given for four months before starting maitake administration. After four months, the chicken egg-sized brain tumor was confirmed by MRI to have completely disappeared ---6. Nanba, H. "Antitumor Activity of Orally Administered D-Fraction from Maitake Mushroom (Grifola frondosa)," journal of Natnro~athic Medicir~ze, (4) 1.10-15, 1993
that's great. i didn't like it much at first, actually. i found coding and making things appear on-screen as they do in your head/proofs to be a bit frustrating, or tedious. but if you're liking it already that's huge; if like me you'll enjoy all of it progressively more as skills continuously improve
Hi Juicyfruity,
I just noticed you are in Michigan. Here is a link to NUCCA chiropractors who will best help you. NUCCA is the national upper cervical spine association. The guy I went to is in the Genesee County area, but these chiropractors are national board NUCCA certified and are closer to you. http://www.nucca.org/find_doctor_results.php?txtCity=&txtState=...
Yes, it is a painful way to live and I did get aches from it. It seemed to cut off energy flow in my body, so the emotional imbalance was the worst part (I just felt overall gross and fatigued) My first and second cervical spine vertebrates were out of alignment, and this winter it caused me to have vertigo for 10 days which was awful. I did some research and discovered that a grostic adjustment helps with all of the symptoms I had been experiencing. Fortunately, a family friend is a grostic chiropractor and did x-rays and several treatments to alleviate my issues. I have not experienced vertigo again, but I can tell that my rounded shoulder/cervical spine issues are still there as I am working another desk job. I am going in for another adjustment next week, and I do yoga on a regular basis. I have found this easy flow to be very helpful when I am in pain as it is not at all rigorous and focuses on neck/shoulder stretching. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiHIs7_iMl8
I wish I had more answers for you, but this is still the main issue I battle. Drinking 1 liter of green juice every day for breakfast helps with the pain/calcification. If you are going to a chiro, you may want to make sure s/he is an upper cervical spine specialist. http://www.csrs.org/web/index.html Otherwise you'll have someone cracking your back in ways that won't alleviate your cervical symptoms. Keep me posted on anything that helps as this is an issue that has been difficult for me to find much support with!
Love & Light
Jessica :)
Sounds like a good plan. Great that you're using InDesign. I actually didn't really learn that program until after I graduated and started working, and now I use it all the time. We were using QuarkXpress in school and I totally hated it. You'll end up using Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign almost equally if you want to handle a broad range of design, and DreamWeaver if you're gonna do web.
Get good at it and you will end up being able to work from almost anywhere in the world. It's seriously THE BEST.
hey juicyfruit!
I'm back in Michigan until the 20th. Just finished up my first semester of grad school in San Diego and totally love the area/weather/fruit/people and highly recommend it!
Would you happen to know any markets in Dearborn that have cheap medjool dates?
Stay Warm!