This is a carry on from the following discussion, please check it out....

It would be great if we could all start tagging our discussions "raw food" (make sure you put the quotations around two words like I have).  It will affect our goggle presence and ultimately get the raw vegan message out more .

If you have any other Search Engine Optimization tips please share!

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  • Hey freelee. Well it doesnt look like this is catching on with discussions. Maybe you (Im not trying to create more work for you) or someone who has similar access can stick raw food in the title, or in parenthesis at the end. Is there a way to default raw foods in the title at the end or something? hmmm
  • YES! I was going to suggest featuring this discussion.
    This or my discussion lets make 30BaD pop up on google
    Either way its a win, lets go!
  • That is good to get the target market. But if you want to reach the masses put Justin beiber, Jersey shore, Porn etc. I am just saying.
  • Great idea's Freelee, Acey and Jaakko.
    I particularly like polls. Polls and the shoutbox - its like my old school gaming forum a few years ago! :D Love em.

    I went high fat a few years ago when I was much less informed. I'd read the coconut oil miracle lol. Was never raw though. It's crazy to think the path I've come down and how many different times I'd thought I'd found a really good diet.. Makes me cringe. Fortunately 5 years down the line I've arrived here :)
  • ok sounds good!
    • I will definitely tag with "Raw Food" as well as "Vegan" from now on.

      It's a shame that this website is buried underneath so many other "Raw Food" websites that encourage and promote the use of raw meat, raw dairy, and raw eggs, and massive amounts of nuts and seeds, as well as a ton of supplements and stimulants since eating all that fat will make you feel sick and tired.

      No wonder almost everyone (including most of us) spends their early days as a "raw foodist" eating the high fat version, and no wonder so many people who want to try "the raw food diet" give up on it after experimenting with it for only a short time.

      If you are looking for "raw food" it doesn't matter whether you are in "The Raw Food Aisle" at Whole Foods, at "The Raw Spirit Festival" in Sadona, or on "The Raw Food World" on the internet, you will only find over priced and over processed foods that have no business being labled "raw".
    • yeah good point Acey- i like the whole vegan lifestyle part because I think the whole raw food movement has been contaminated by the raw meat people. It is so nasty. I wanted to include everyone in my thinking before but now since my recent experience with paranoid and hysterical meat eaters there need to be fewer exceptions made for them. They had their chance and are ruining it for everyone. I cant believe Matt Monarch and Angela are even associating with them- that really takes them down a major notch to me. I thought they were committed to being vegan at least- but I guess not.

      Fruitarian also seems like a really good term. Is there any reason people are so set on the term "raw food". I just read several blogs of people who are separating from the whole raw food term because of the hostility they have witnessed. Even though these people consider themselves chefs, and consultants, etc. They are specifying that they are more vegan than raw now- which is actually great because I would really like this distinction to get out there. But it would be that specifically the aggressive anti-vegan meat eaters are not welcome.

      There is no way I would want to go to an event where they were selling raw meat .. it is ridiculous. I think part of it stems from my restaurant experience- And is has been relatively recently where I worked in a restaurant where raw food was served and raw meat. Aside from my personal revulsion of it- is the fact that the workers and even management have no concern about the contamination of the area with meat. I am talking about working with meat right next to where I am cutting vegetables, having a large meat grinder (4ft tall appx 500lbs) right next to a cutting area etc. There is no way to control small bits of blood from shooting from these machines into the area around them.

      Sorry to be so graphic but I am talking a large scale situation. Going into a refrigeration area with large container after container of chicken floating in juices, all kinds of meat etc right near the vegetables- its hard to explain it and sorry if you are reading this and are grossed out right now- freelee can delete it no problem but this is such a huge issue. Maybe a discussion could be started about it-

      But I hope people can talk about this because the only way to really be true to being vegan would be to disassociate from the raw meat people- who are taking advantage of perception by taking over the other raw website and making it seem like it is ok to the rest of the 10000 people there that meat is on the menu and accepted in raw communities. And also the acceptance of supposedly raw people who now think hunting is ok. I lived near a deer processing place and I can tell you there is nothing romantic about killing animals like that. There is nothing cool about strapping a deer onto your vehicle and driving it around town so people can see what a great hunter you are...

      It just is so important to see that we do not want to be aligned with these people, will not go to their conferences, or even go to the raw spirit fest if these people are there.. it's not our "raw spirit" these parasite-like newbies are promoting "raw death" and demanding that we accept it.. I say no.
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