Hey everyone, I'm wondering if there's any info about 811 in spanish available, any textes or vids on the internet. Is a spanish translations of the book on going?
Thanks! :)
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So glad you posted this! I have JUST started making videos in Spanish, and I'm hoping to try and make 2-3 each month... my whole family speaks Spanish, and I'm really hoping this will turn them onto it!! :) :) :) There is a HUGE NEED! :)
Years later there is still no spanish book! Que lastima! Would love to share the book with all my fellow Mexicans out there eating chicharrones and tres leches cake! Tired of seeing my people in the hospital dying so young of end stage renal failure failure due to diabetes :( Job security for me.
Los estadounidenseshan dichodesde hace másde cuarenta añosque estamos comiendodemasiada grasa,sin embargo,el consumodeeste alimentoha permanecidoesencialmente sin cambiosdurante ese tiempo.Hemos hechoningún progresoen comermenos grasa, a pesar delos programasmasivosde educación,la locura dela carga de carbohidratos, carnesmagras, cerealesy barrasrellenos de fibracon poca grasay postresbajos en grasa, productos lácteos,y entrantes.
I just joined the forum. I had the same question as some as you. My solution: I have the e-book in English. I use google translate to translate to Spanish. I do this as often as I can and mostly for the parts that I want to share with my friends and family. Of course you will have to edit the translation when needed, but it's better than nothing. Every little bit of translation improves my girlfriends understanding...and our health.
I know what you mean, Josh. I live in the same city as you.
I think many Hispanics speakers and writers like me would be really interested on making this book happen in Spanish. My mother needs this book in spanish, as soon as possible. Shes interested in learning about this diet and I want for her to read on it as well, too.
If I had the power and rights to translate this book to Spanish, I would definitely do it. I'm no stranger to castellano. I suppose, much proficient book translator will take over this gig. Unless I do a boot-leg Spanish version of this book :)
Hello! I haven't found much information in spanish. I was looking for it so that I could let all my friends and family (who don't speak english) about it but nada.
I've found some youtube channels and books but they're about highfat raw food...
I'll keep on looking and if I find something I'll let you know
So glad you posted this! I have JUST started making videos in Spanish, and I'm hoping to try and make 2-3 each month... my whole family speaks Spanish, and I'm really hoping this will turn them onto it!! :) :) :) There is a HUGE NEED! :)
There is now an ebook version in spanish on 80/10/10 available on facebook (look into the group Raw Vegan Spain)
Beside that, of course I have to mention the Raw Fruit Festival www.raw-fruit-festival.net and the retreats in Andalusia www.fit-in-nature.net
But if you are near Malaga, you have to check the WALA Room https://www.facebook.com/pages/THE-WALA-ROOM/120165061339810
Years later there is still no spanish book! Que lastima! Would love to share the book with all my fellow Mexicans out there eating chicharrones and tres leches cake! Tired of seeing my people in the hospital dying so young of end stage renal failure failure due to diabetes :( Job security for me.
Los estadounidenses han dicho desde hace más de cuarenta años que estamos comiendo demasiada grasa, sin embargo, el consumo de este alimento ha permanecido esencialmente sin cambios durante ese tiempo. Hemos hecho ningún progreso en comer menos grasa, a pesar de los programas masivos de educación, la locura de la carga de carbohidratos, carnes magras, cereales y barras rellenos de fibra con poca grasa y postres bajos en grasa, productos lácteos, y entrantes.
years later...
I just joined the forum. I had the same question as some as you. My solution: I have the e-book in English. I use google translate to translate to Spanish. I do this as often as I can and mostly for the parts that I want to share with my friends and family. Of course you will have to edit the translation when needed, but it's better than nothing. Every little bit of translation improves my girlfriends understanding...and our health.
I know what you mean, Josh. I live in the same city as you.
I think many Hispanics speakers and writers like me would be really interested on making this book happen in Spanish. My mother needs this book in spanish, as soon as possible. Shes interested in learning about this diet and I want for her to read on it as well, too.
If I had the power and rights to translate this book to Spanish, I would definitely do it. I'm no stranger to castellano. I suppose, much proficient book translator will take over this gig. Unless I do a boot-leg Spanish version of this book :)
if you decide to do a boot-leg, i"ll be happy to help.
I tried to ask Dr Doug about a spanish translation of his book, but so far haven't heard of him, and haven't been able to find any copy in spanish.
Maybe just this link, but for sure I could put more there... My spanish is limited, sorry
Merci quand-meme! :)
I suppose there is a Spanish translation of the book in work, I know that a French one is being worked on, and a German one as well.
Hello! I haven't found much information in spanish. I was looking for it so that I could let all my friends and family (who don't speak english) about it but nada.
I've found some youtube channels and books but they're about highfat raw food...
I'll keep on looking and if I find something I'll let you know
Cheers! :)