Hey guys,I live in Texas and the weather is normally hot and humid in the early spring-fall, and perfect breeding conditions for fruit flies.If it were up to me the inside temperature for my house be ice cold in order to keep them at bay yet that is not the case and my cold natured mother keeps it at 75+ year round.My fruit has become the favorite thing to complain about due to the fact that it has now drawn the attention of fruit flies into the kitchen.WHO KNOWS AN EFFECTIVE WAY TO STORE FRUIT / or Get rid of FRUIT FLIES?I have tryed everything I can think of from fly traps to oregano leaves.Summer is coming and so are the fruit flies! PLEASE HELP
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put the fruit in a closet make sure no light can enter it, fruit flies don't like the dark.. since i have my bananas stored in a closet there's no fruit fly coming near them.
I got this great advice a while ago from a very intelligent guy. He said:
wash all the fruits with warm water as soon as you're home and I really never have any fruitflies, except like one or two n they are easy to get rid of.
This is by far the most effective method I've found: you use a bowl or old can etc. and fill it with bananas or tomatoes or anything that attracts fruit flies. Then, poke holes in a produce bag and either place it over loosely or tighten it over the container. Leave it for 1-2 days by whatever is attracting the flies and virtually all flies will be gone. Then, you can either seal up the trap in a bag, or for the ethical method, take the container outside and release all the flies. Make like 4 traps at a time and your problem should be solved quickly. Don't leave traps for more than 2 days, or else they lay eggs that hatch, furthering your fly problem.
put the fruit in a closet make sure no light can enter it, fruit flies don't like the dark.. since i have my bananas stored in a closet there's no fruit fly coming near them.
Hi There
I got this great advice a while ago from a very intelligent guy. He said:
wash all the fruits with warm water as soon as you're home and I really never have any fruitflies, except like one or two n they are easy to get rid of.
good luck
This is by far the most effective method I've found: you use a bowl or old can etc. and fill it with bananas or tomatoes or anything that attracts fruit flies. Then, poke holes in a produce bag and either place it over loosely or tighten it over the container. Leave it for 1-2 days by whatever is attracting the flies and virtually all flies will be gone. Then, you can either seal up the trap in a bag, or for the ethical method, take the container outside and release all the flies. Make like 4 traps at a time and your problem should be solved quickly. Don't leave traps for more than 2 days, or else they lay eggs that hatch, furthering your fly problem.
Here's a good how-to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCgx51gVKJ8