As I live smack bang in the middle of a city there aren't good hills I could realistically go to several times a week for activity, so I go to the gym. There I use a stationary bike, which I put onto a hill setting and ride for an hour. I get a good sweat going, and it feels good.
What do you think about stationary bikes- are they inferior to getting on a real bike? If so, why? Will it be less efficient for fat burning?
Thanks :)
You'd be better off getting a real bike, and putting it on rollers when indoors. That way you get a dual purpose machine. Balancing on the rollers much more closely mimics real-world riding than does a locked in stationary.
There was very recently a post on this same question in this forum. Check the next page and you'll see it.
Thank you! I found it and I saw your reply too- I love indoor bikes for the same reasons haha. So you do reckon it gives you really good results? I saw Durianrider's reply and the news didn't seem too good :(