Vegarian in the Philippines

The below is intended to inform you of my background, it is
Not intended to promote anything.  I am here to learn about HCRV or 811rv and to find answers.  If you have questions that are off topic, let's discuss them elsewhere, perhaps offline.


I am 
Vegarian and I live with Honeybun and our children on the Island of Cebu.

For those who have been to Cebu City (2nd largest city in the Philippines), we are Not there!  Just think of New York, New York!  Cebu City is in the Provence of Cebu, and on the Island of Cebu.  I live on the island of Cebu, but not in Cebu City.  Confused?  Google has maps!

Six Years Ago

Six years ago I was bedridden.  Bedridden means different things to different people, but to me, when you can measure the last time you got out of bed relating to years, like "half a year ago", I consider that bedridden.

I weighed 528 lbs then, and just to recap the who's who of illnesses I suffered with...

  • Diabetes
  • Very High Blood Pressure
  • Cardio Vascular Diseases
  • An Enlarged Heart
  • Angina
  • Celiac Disease
  • Dermatitis Herpetiformis
  • Super High "Bad" Cholesterol
  • "Off the Charts" Triglycerides
  • Morbid Obesity (528lbs)
  • Inoperable Brain Aneurysm
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Leaky Gut Syndrome

There were other things like dizziness, blurred vision, teeth that hurt so badly that I'd cry half the night, feet painfully swollen, sores that would not heal, and gout so bad I could not stand up, but they hardly seem worth mentioning in light of the above conditions.

 five different doctors telling me I should get my affairs in order because in a couple weeks to a couple months I would be dead - they were serious!

Hope for the Hopeless

I felt hopeless.  I was laying in bed, waiting to die, hopeless.  Without hope.  My friend brought me some magazines to read, and in one of them was this tiny health article about gluten.  Just two inches described something called Celiac Disease.  I never heard of it before, but I instantly knew I had Celiac.

I called all five of my doctors, to ask them to consider Celiac Disease, and all five of them told me flatly I did not have Celiac!  The last told me it would be a waste of time and money to test for it.  I got mad and screamed that it was MY TIME AND MY MONEY!

I seriously threatened to fire any doctor who did not test me, so...

It was confirmed that I have Celiac Disease, that I got at conception, and as treatment I needed to remove ALL gluten from my food.

When I got the results, confirming I did have Celiac Disease, I fired all my doctors!

Gluten is Everywhere!

Gluten is actually only in Wheat, Barley, Rye and some cross contaminated Oats (all seeds!).  But if you buy just about anything, it likely has gluten in it!  Label laws being far from perfect in the Philippines (total non enforcement!), it became virtually impossible for me to avoid gluten.

There is a different kind of gluten in corn.  Corn gluten also damages about 20% of people with Celiac Disease.  I now look as people with Celiac as being normal!  We should Not eat gluten!

Three Important Breakthroughs!


I was, before, a religious person, but not anymore.  Yet, I still read my Scriptures.  That is plural because my great-grandmother was Hebrew and I like to compare the differences between English Bibles and the original Hebrew Scripture.  I happened onto this:

"To all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground -- everything that has the breath of life in it -- I give every green plant for

I was not dead - not yet.  I am one of those creatures that moves on the ground, I have a breath of life!
This applied to me!

Now I know most of you are used to reading that word fyuel (or fuel) as "food," but in the original text, the word means
"that which is consumed"
and is used to refer to firewood for a fire!  I should eat more green things!

Then I backed up and read the verse before it.

Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for fyuel.

Actually in Hebrew, this is all ONE thought Genesis 1:29-30 has not break!).  The meaning of it is basically...

You should eat fruits with seeds inside of them.  You and all the other animals can also eat greens that grow from seeds, and these will be your fyuel.

  • Fruit that grows from seeds.
  • Plants that grow from seeds.
  • Plants that are green.

I looked at greens and found out the Malungay tree leaves, which Honeybun was eating raw or slightly steamed, has all essential amino acids, in fact it has 18 aminos!  Green food is usually full of aminos as well as other minerals!


The fyuel these verses spoke about was not for the fire - there was NO mention of fire!

 In fact, the first mention of eating flesh, was only when virtually all veggies were destroyed by flood a thousand plus years later.  Cooking only came into being hundreds of years later!  There was
 no cooking food in the original design.

Design, I told Honeybun, we have a design.  I have a friend who seems to be a contradiction.  He says he is an atheist who believed we have a creator!  According to him, no real scientist would believe we have no creator.  He just doesn't believe in "the God of man-made religions!"  Put that way, I think I agree!

He also told me about plant DNA.  Plants that grow from seeds have exactly the same parts to their DNA as people!  They even divide a cell's DNA just like people, and recombine it with another plant to make a new DNA, different from the mother and father plants.  The basic scientific design for seed plants and humans is the same, except the arrangement of DNA, and the nervous system (or lack).

At that point, I realized I needed to look at my own Design.


I was so frustrated trying to eat gluten free in the Philippines that I told Honeybun, the only way I can do this is to go to my open air public marked, and buy fruits and veggies and just eat them, as is - uncooked.

That day, Honeybun saved my life.  She told me that if that is what it took to make me well,she would also do that with me.


In the months ahead, in our first year, we figured out a formula, RAW118!  Now do not think RAW118 has anything to do with raw fyuel or with 80/10/10 or 811rv.  It would be four more years before I knew another raw vegan, or heard about Dr. Doug for the first time.




That is what R.A.W. meant to us.  It was already a given that fyuel should not be cooked. 

In Cebuano, Honeybun's native language, there is no word for "raw!"  The word that is used, for example, to say "raw meat" actually means "unripe!"  "Raw food" or "Raw fruit" would be understood to mean "unripe fruit" here.  (We say what translates to
"Eating Without Heating!")

Contrary to what you may think, 118 has nothing to do with temperature!  It is the ratio of RAW!

1 part (or less)
 Rich fyuel (think avocados, dorian, coconut or jack-fruit! - All higher fat!)

1 part
 Amino food (think greens)

8 parts
 Whole food (any plants, like fruit, bell peppers, etc.)

However, seeds (plant embryos) are limited to what is inside the plant when we eat it.  We eat the seed within the cucumber when we bite into the cucumber!  We do not go harvest wheat or soy beans!


Results included my (new veg friendly) doctor, told me 
I cured my incurable diabetes!  In fact all of the above have resolved except one, I am still obese (although I have lost 200 lbs!).

The Differences

Although developed apart, the differences between RAW118 and 811rv are actually small.

We, as Vegarians on the RAW118 diet, do not advocate "overt" seeds (we call them "harvested plant embryos.")  That would be seeds, nuts, beans, and especially grains.

Walk down an oil isle in your supermarket and you will notice that almost all the oil comes from plant embryos!

Plant embryos are not mature plants, they have not gone through germination and are chemically treated (naturally) to be asleep!  Those chemicals also put us to sleep (think of a vet, gently ending the suffering, and life, of a beloved pet!), or at least makes us sick (suffer more so we do not eat them!)!

Vegarians are Functional Vegans

As we understand it, a vegan is actually someone who promotes Animal Rights.  Most Vegarians are deeply concerned about issues like Animal Rights and Environmental Issues also.  However, our focus is on health and celebrating the symbiont relationship humans have with seed bearing plants.  That is the health improvement we enjoy by eating them!

A Learner

I am here to learn about HCLF and 811rv or LFRV, and to pass on good information to poor Filipinos who would otherwise not hear this important message.


The last year and a half I have again been spending a lot of time in bed with what was first diagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome.  It turned out to be severe osteomyelitis just below my brain.  Four surgeries and months of antibiotics, I have beat the bone infection. I am now looking for ways to recover and improve my condition.  I can only be out of bed for a few hours at a time.

I have many questions and looking for some real answers.

Favorite Food: Bananas

Favorite Quote: (From my brother asking me to not talk to him anymore about raw food)

"You've gone bananas!"

(He meant crazy, but I took it as a complement!)

Favorite expressions:
You can't help people who don't want help!
You can't buy what they don't sell!

I guess this is a good start!

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  • Some good marang, mangoes and bananas in Philippines for sure! Buy in bulk so you can let stuff ripen at home so you have something on hand for meals n snacks.

    Sounds like your getting some great results so Id keep on walk'n the path! :)

    • I will look for the local name of marang and ask Honeybun to buy me some.

      I have a problem with high fructose fruit (fruit where the fructose is higher than the glucose).  For me Mangoes, Apples and Watermelon feels like someone punched me in the belly.  It is bad enough that I cannot stand and will double over.  Other fruits do not seem to do that.

      Should I just avoid the high fructose fruits and focus on the glucose fruits like bananas, chicos, and the like?

  • I wonder if Durianrider or Freelea could comment on this and give me some guidance.

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