Excuse my terrible drawing, but I hope someone's able to recognize this. I saw it at Wholefoods the other day and asked the produce guy what it was, but he didn't know either and it didn't even have a sign or sticker.
The fruit has a very smooth surface. The peel is an off-white with purple stretch-mark looking stripes in the middle. It was kind of soft, like a ripe tomato.
this it?
Wow, thanks!
That's it!
Have you tried it before? How does it taste?
Sho thang :)
Not that I recall. I guess I always thought it was a type of Asian cuke or melon, perhaps bitter. But that link says it could (if properly ripe) have a mild sweet flavor. Maybe I'll simple one sometime. If and when you do, let us know, aight?
Hmm...I searched "pepino" on the forum and it seems that quite a lot of people has asked about this obscure fruit. The ones I see at the grocery store were a bit unripe. I'll hold it off until I get to the tropics. Same reason I haven't had a durian in years. :P