The enamels on my teeth are extremely eroded after a lengthly history with bulimia. I would say 75% of my enamel is gone. My teeth are all translucent with valleys and caverns and big holes every where. (I have white veneers in front, narrowly saving my vanity.)
Recently I became inspired to do orange island. After one morning of drinking fresh squeezed orange juice, my teeth were in pain from the acidity. The pain lasted several days and prevented me from properly being able to chew anything. So that totally ruled out oranges...
Scrubbing my teeth with abrasive toothpaste every day seems totally counterintuitive at this stage - I feel I have to take every measure to preserve the little enamel I have left. Yet, after eating fruit, if I let the sugar sit in my mouth without brushing, my mouth's environment turns acidic and my teeth get sensitive again. Rinsing with water doesn't do anything to combat this. And nothing but brushing prevents plaque from building up on my teeth.
Most of the time, I at least eat a stalk of celery or kale after fruit to "brush" out the sugar... but it doesn't completely solve any of the problems I mentioned.
So... my question is... what are people here doing for teeth? And what's the official 811 recommendation for dental care?
I experimented a lot with all different kinds of toothpaste - natural or otherwise, baking soda swishing, oil pulling, tooth soap - you name it, I tried it.
I now use waterfloss (, Sonic electric toothbrush, Dr. Collins Perio toothbrush for hard-to-reach spots, Radius toothbrush as a tongue scraper, Dr. Collins BioFloss, and nothing but pure water for my toothpaste or mouthwash. Plus I try doing saliva swishing regularly.
Once after 6 months of not using toothpaste I tried to go back to natural tooth powder made from bark and roots (from, and some of my teeth became slightly sensitive. I stopped using it - the sensitivity went away. So, I think now I am back on water for good.
Update: Since posting this thread, I have been "brushing" with a solution of baking soda and water. About 2 teaspoons of baking soda in a 10 oz. jar of water - put some in my mouth, and brush with my toothbrush. I also use that to swish out a few times a day. And I have continued flossing. It works great, and I think I'm saving my teeth! I've had very little sensitivity since - no more abrasion on my teeth from toothpaste.
I've also been able to enjoy oranges again. I juice them (so I can eat more of them faster)... drink the juice, then immediately swish with the baking soda water.
I notice that I have a bit more plaque on my teeth now, but I so much prefer that to not being able to chew because of painful and sensitive teeth.
I'm so glad I posted this thread and got all of you's fantastic imput. :)
Thanks for the suggestion! It's great to know that she's familiar with raw vegans. I'm no longer living in the Bay area, but if I would go to a dentist, that's where I'd go, since it's still a "home base".
I have so much dental work to get done... and been putting it off. :/
i use this-
someone on this site recommended it to me
I found this today...
Drinking freezed squeezed orange juice from a straw doesn't seem to cause me any problems, have you tried that?