Hello Everyone!
I am totally up for going for 100% for the next 100 days. I have been vegan for 10 days now and have done 5 days all raw and 5 days 95% raw. I am BRAND NEW to this lifestyle and want to give it my best shot!
Anyone else ready to give 100% for 100 days? We can support each other!
Also, I want to set some intentions for the new year, and welcome you to do the same.
Here are mine.
In 2012 I am abundant and able to give of myself and my resources often and this is super enriching for me.
In January 2011 I was6 months pregnant and in Egypt when all of the riots broke out and when the banks, internet cell phones and telephone lines were shut down country wide. My friends and family put the money together to get me out of there and I came to stay with a friend. When I left, I did not know if I would get to see my husband again. He was in life threatening situations many times and did get to eventually join me 3 weeks after our daughter was born (I birthed her alone in my room- it was magical.) We still live with our friend Amy but are now able to pay her rent. Amy, and so many of my friends gave of their resources to help us with diapers, bikes to ride, baby clothes and such. I am so grateful they were there for us. this past year I had to take a lot as I cam back to the us with little money and 7 months pregnant. In 2012 I want to give a lot! Joyfully and out of abundance!
In 2012 I have the BEST health of by life thus far.
In 2012 as I cleanse my body all the old fear, regret and stinkin' thinkin' is also cleared out and I consistently find my self in a healthy positive place.
In 2012 I finish and publish the book that I have been saying I would write for over 10 years.
i am looking forward to starting the 100 day raw challenge with you, my goals for the new year s to be 135 by june 18 thats my b day at the moment i weigh 165. i think it is a good goal for me because my ultimate goal is to be 115 again so i can fit into my favorite jeans. i have been doing the 80/10/10 for 11 days now and when i first started this diet i was 170 but i think most of the weight that has come off is water weight because as i weight myself i keep going up and down in pounds. im guessing that it is normal for ones weight to fluctuate.
I really need to do this...
How important is it to exercise before you eat ???
Jana and Laura, I am so happy you are both on track. I know you both mentioned not eating 100% raw...Jana sounds like your beating yourself up over it and Laura sounds like you are okay with it. Jana, I think you are doing great! Actually you both are and you are eating far more nutrients than you were before and far more than most of society. I have been between 85-99% raw most days. My reason is that I have a nine month old baby and a hubby that just went vegan, so I am doing my best to prepare foods to support them staying on a healthier path than the alternative. So I taste the food and sometimes share in the meals with them. They are both eating more and more raw and I am so happy that we are all on the same team that I am okay with the way our transition together is going- I am thinking long term and sustainable and feel that will be easier with the way we are transitioning now. My hubby is starting to crave more raw and is educating himself a lot so that helps.
Exercise- I teach Body Pump and Zumba so, those are my main forms of exercising and I also add some heavy weight lifting when I can fit it in. I hope to add some Yoga in my life soon as I certainly think it would help balance me out!
Hello Laura,
Of course! We are glad to have you. Your retreat sounds exciting! How is everyone else doing?
Hi, hope you are doing better than me :) I had few bad days recently, I just couldn't resit the baked potatoes scent and I was fairly hungry as well, because in Czech republic, where I live, ripe fruit, well any fruit, is really hard to find (especialy during the winter, there are only bananas, oranges and few more of really bad quality) and I wasnt'able to gather enough :( But I was never les than 90% raw at least, mostly thanks to sprouts :) What do you eat on daily basis and what about exercice? I am running most of the days, but I during my exam period, I am under so much pressure, and there is -10 outside ;), that I had to reduce it to some 5 runs a week (about 35 km) plus some dancing, cycling and so on.
I didn't realize there was a 100 day raw challenge so recently, I went 100% on christmas day. Christmas eve 2/3 of my meals were raw my grandma ignored my request(she asked what i wanted to eat i wasnt being demanding if i had known i would have brought my own fruit :P) of durian for dinner and made me cooked instead, i was 100% for a week before that but i wont count it.
Hey Tyrell, thanks for joining us! It is all right if you want to count it. Our intention is to be 100% and sometimes life happens. As long as we are doing our best to keep our commitment to being raw for 100 days I think it is all good. Up to you though. Welcome and please stay in touch and check in!
So I made a huge mistake!!!! Before I tell you about that, let me tell you that I also learned today that the overt fats like avocado should come at the end of the day. Is that what you all do? Today I made a delicious recipe and when I went back to look at the sun dried tomato pesto(what I had in the house) I added in place of the sun dried tomato's I saw it had crushed pine nut and PARMESAN CHEESE- I had about 100 grams of FAT and I had dairy. UGGGGGG I have been vegan for nearly a month and that blew it. I also am bummed about the fat I took in! Big lesson! READ the labels! Uggg oh well, day 4 tomorrow is a new day :)
Hi, don't blame yourself for it that much. You made a mistake, so what, we all make mistakes and we still live. You was given a chance to learn something new, so be happy for that. I say that I'm happy every time somebody "kicks my ass" because I feel so stupid for not being able to realize something such vital for such a long time. But I believe that's why we're here. To learn. Will you now make that parmesan cheese thing again? I doubt that. When I started as vegan those years ago, I made a lot of mistakes. I studied every label possible, I counted calories of everything I ate, believing that coca-cola zero will make me ultimately fit (even though I was anxious about that one calory per 100ml) ;) Now I read labels just for fun, buying food without them and just smelling coca-cola is making me sick. I don't eat any normal food, because I don't care anymore about what "I should do". I've had enough of it. That's why I don't call my avocado paste "vegan salmon paste" or my zucchini strips "raw spaghetti". I'm not trying to substitute my old cravings (and I believe that someone is able to try eating normal spaghetti without cooking them and then tell me that he doesn't like it nor he feels healthier;) ). I go slow on myself and I'm not forcing myself to be immediately on 9/5/5 100% raw monodietand RIGHT NOW! Somehow it doesn't work for me and after what I got through I value my freedom and well-being above all, because there's nothing like "You should" now. There's just "I want to" and I'm totally satisfied, because I know I have many more years to accomplish my goals and one parmesan cheese it my records... oh my, does it really matter that much? ;D This evening I have date with my not-raw, not-vegan, not-vegetarian boyfriend in a tea-house and I don't mind drinking that "hot enzymes-destroying body-devastating" tea with him because I believe in my body, which will certainly deal with it well :)
Sorry for writing such an essay, I had to get it out of my head somehow.
Cheers everyone :)
Thanks for your essay, It is great to hear your passion and clarity about your choices. You may have been through a lot but you are certainly much stronger! Gooooood for you!