Hello everyone,
after not finding enough people to organize something in October, we now are going to organize a FruitLuck meeting on one of the last weekends in November. (19./20. OR 26./27.), probably in Bern.
The exact place and time will be published soon!
Please comment on which dates suit you the best!
Hope to meet you all soon!
Anyone living in or near Geneva? I'm going there in February-March for an internship, and would love to meet you over a fruit-luck!
By the way, does any of you have accommodation tips? I'm not really good in french and struggling a bit to find something affordable. Thanks!
Hi we live in Gstaad Switzerland soooo glad we found this group!!! how great there are some others in Switzerland yay..
I am Sarah half swiss but grew up in New Zealand and my husband is Ben from Australia... We would love to meet for potluck ... or if your ever in our area please feel free to come stay or come for a visit we have a spare room and love the company of other raw foodies.
Let's organize a potluck! I wanna connect too! Maybe in Lausanne or someplace else. I think we are at least 3-4 in Lausanne, enough for a small gathering even if nobody else is interested!!
Yeah, let's do this! If we are only like 5 people, we could do it at my place i Geneva, as my place is very small. Or would it be possible to meet at someone's place in Lausanne?
Looking forward to meeting you!
Like Sandra, my place is rather small, but we could come to Gstaad for the potluck and then go for a hike, if the weather is with us, which is not really the case right now.
Fruitluck and hike in Gstaad on October 27, see the front page.
Yay looking forward to meeting you all.. We have some room for people to stay if they are coming a far way and want to arrive friday evening. we can fit about 6 people if you bring your own sleeping bags.. then we could do a fruitluck breakfast and head out on a hike... Lauenen waterfalls are amazing and about 3-4 hours.. many beautiful places to have a fruit picnic up the mountain too... lets all try and bring something different..and share our favorite fruity dishes... see you all soon
I will be there. Can only come on Saturday morning, had plans for dinner on Friday night already. Looking forward to the hike too. I will bring some fruit of course, let's plan the details later. I think I will try a new recipe, like a low fat raw vegan fruit pie or something. Looking forward to meeting you!
wäre an beiden daten dabeeii =) gruss
Hellooooo great idea the fruit meeting in Swiss, hope I can will be :))))