New to lcrv. Cold issues.

I've always had cold intolerances, I would just deal with them in the past tough it out. I'm two weeks in doing lcrv. I work in a tent that's outside as a chef. About an hour into my shift my hands, face, toes, and lips they start to turn fushia, then 3-4 hours they are purple and I cannot feel them very well. I then start to drop things and cannot cut food, open items, etc. Any advice? I keep vinyl gloves on I cannot wear any other type of gloves do to the contact with food. It's becoming a problem and effecting my work. I have started adding ginger to my smoothies hoping that would help.

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  • hey there ! Answering a little late but this might help others peep's if not you !

    Do you think the problem is your food or the fact that you have to wear thiner gloves in order to work as a chef ?. because if it's the last option, changing your diet might make it worth: raw foods are the best empowerment tools for your body to warm himself up. Ginger is a great option but remember any raw food is  a superfood and that the more the better. Don't lose yourself in trying to lift seperate symptoms, heal your body/re-empower it and wear warmer gloves;

    Have you talked to your superiar about that ? Working in a tent with (almost) naked hands isn't great for anyone haha

    Good luck buddy !

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