THis group is for anyone who has or is Experiencing addiction or "mental illness" of any kind.
I have a burning passion to help and support anyone who wishes to set themselves free from addiction and or "mental illness".
If you have been labeled by the drug industry as "mentally ill" and wish to or have broken free from the Shackle of lies this group is for you.
If you struggle with addiction of any kind this group is for you.
If you have a friend, a loved one who struggles with "mental illness" this group is for you.
Hey, I see there hasn't been much activity here. Hopefully things will pick up. I am always up for chatting with other ppl who are struggling, or have struggled with addiction and mental illness.
I am in recovery from drug addiction, been clean now for 6 years and currently suffering from ptsd and some other issues myself.
I have two siblings who have mental illness and would like to know what the experience of others has been. Its been too long for them so its not easy for me to change their diet!