80/10/10 Raw Vegan Organic Retreat/100% self sustainable Organic-Heirloom Fruit & Veggie Farm (permaculture style)
Here is my life's passion/idea. I want to create a 100% self sustainable, Organic, Raw, Vegan 80/10/10 style Retreat as well as a 100% self sustainable Organic Fruit & Veggie farm in Costa Rica!Fruit and Veggie farm comes first. I have a plethora of knowledge/experience in the following fields that I have been researching for the past 5 years. Self sustainability via electricity: Hydro, Wind & SolarSelf Sustainability via building: Cob, Hay-bale, Earthship, Hempcrete, Bamboo, Adobe.Traditional…
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Awesome group here! :) Kristin knows what's up.