feeling vomity :/ ...detox?

Both today and yesterday I have had a strong feeling of being about to vomit a few hours after eating

Yesterday I had 10 bananas + cacao powder for breakfast and the same again for lunch. Then a few hours later during work (coaching gymnastics) I started to feel like I was about to vomit.

Today I had 600ml fruit juice (mango, apple, pineapple, orange) for a first breakfast and then 10 bananas + cacao powder for like a brunch. Then a few hours later I was at a 45 minute plyometric cardio class and felt light headed and vomity after only about 15 minutes in. 

In both situations I managed to continue with what I was doing and did not actually vomit. However, it was extremely unpleasant. I feel like maybe all the fruit I am eating isn't digesting properly as it is sat on top of old cooked food and dairy. Is there any way to speed up the detox and push all of the fat/dairy/wheat/chemicals out of my digestive system faster??

Does anyone have any thoughts??

Abi xx

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    • I've been using vanilla extract too... we had it lying around, so figured might as well. Are there negative side effects?

    • OK cool, thanks for the tips! I'll make sure I try vanilla :D 

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    • amazing, thank you, I'll definitely get my hands on some carob.

      what form do you use vanilla in?? 

  • To settle my stomach I always eat ginger, whether ground (I get it from herbalcom(dot)com) or crystalized ginger.  It's actually has B6 which helps with metabolism and digestion.  

    3L is close to 3 qts. of water...you most likely need more than a gallon going by your activity level.  I need a minimum of 1 gallon per day and I'm so much more sedentary than you!  

    Not only the cacao is not good for you, but the juices if you do not eat the fiber of the fruit with it.  The fiber is what will help the juice not spike your blood sugar levels and make things more even keel.  As Harley once said that if you cannot go a day or two without something like cacao without any adverse effects, then you are addicted and really shouldn't have it.  It's not worth feeling bad, getting skin problems, having headaches, or even feeling nauseous to keep eating the cacao.

    Your body will do all sorts of weird and unusual things to get you to eat none-vegan again.  Stick with it, eat MORE...I feel nauseous when I don't every 2-3 hours.  Your body is using the nutrients it's getting now, so feed it more good stuff and you'll soon hit the point of high energy and feeling great constantly!  Hope this helps.

    • I have upped my water to 4L and definitely feel much better!! I think it's helping to stretch my stomach as well! Just need it to stretch my bladder as I'be had to get up at night to pee!! Thank you for your advice :)

    • Amazing! Thanks for the tips everyone!!

      I'll definitely scrap the cacao, I had no idea it was so bad for you!! Thankfully I have only eaten it for a few days so I'm glad I found out now before I had the chance to get addicted to it! I'll definitely give carob a try and I'll try vanilla as well :)

      I'm already drinking 3L water a day (I have always drunk loads of water) so I'll try upping it to closer to a gallon.

      Thank you so much everyone! So helpful! :) xxx

  • I agree with Amanda Marie. Cocoa powder is not good for you. Try even carob powder! It is so good and is not a stimulant. I actually prefer the taste over cocoa now :)

  • Sounds like detox.  Fruit is incredibly powerful.  Just keep doing what you're doing, minus the cacao which is neurotoxic and a stimulant.  Sounds like you're a bit addicted to it, Abi.  Try cinnamon instead if you feel like you need something.  You're very early days...

  • Try scrapping the cacao powder. It could be just detox, but I've heard the powder is toxic to humans. Replace with vanilla and raw/coconut sugar. Still super yummy ;) Also make sure you're drinking like 3L a day of water minimum, as it will help to flush out everything.

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